Friday, 29 December 2006

Volume 3: Issue 5

Sometimes I see how the brave new world arrives and I see how it thrives ~ ABBA (Happy New Year)


by Piper Kin

Dazadi Dacre's attempts to resurrect her dead lifemate, Arkadios Rhea, also known as Kade, were stunningly successful. After a trip to Xanth's Temple fraught with danger and tension, the pair learned from the Book of Days that in order to regain Kade's own body, they would need to dig it out of his grave and summon Xanth.

Neither prospect was particularly appealing but because Kade was still trapped in Suka Matali's body - that of an Anyeli - he could not accompany Dazadi to Paris, forcing her to perform the emotional deed alone. Returning to him with his coffin, they finally managed to summon Xanth through her imp dragon, Faroah. Unfortunately, Xanth was not in the mood to resurrect Kade without certain conditions and it seems now that he has lost all ability to wield his axe, a favoured weapon.

Is this the last step towards a happy ending for the Aide and her lifemate? "They were arguig pretty loud," said a fledgling passing by Dazadi's quarters. "So I doubt it."

Neither Dazadi nor Mister Rhea were available for comment.

Sanctuaries in Need
by Piper Kin

For the last few months, sanctuaries have seemed pretty empty and dead. Xanth is calling on Elysians for ideas and input on how to encourage activity - not just in sanctuaries but other areas too! One idea has been to open up the Cloud Palace to non-Anyeli as an in character ploy to gain the cash needed to renovate. But this attempt has had little success yet. It remains to be seen whether or not it will work at all.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, why not post them? Xanth's eager to here them. ;)

The Snowflake Ball
by Tom Caye

There's been some hot activity going on up in the alps recently, and it's not global warming.

The Snowflake ball, hosted by vampire leader Scarlett Caye and her friends Amber and Faith, has been taking place over the festive period. The three lovely ladies planned the gathering to perfection; The music was heavenly and the drinks were delicious. With the crisp white snow as a backdrop, a large number of Elysians gathered to partake in the festive fun. A formal dress code was in place though, no sneakers here thank you! The gentle yet tuneful musicians provided cover for any awkward silences and everyone seemed mellowed by the flowing drinks and sweet sounds. Of course, this led to dancing, how could it not? Scarlett and Niles set the trend with a steamy slow dance, could this be leading elsewhere? Either way, this reporter declares the ball a success.


To Xanth: Have you ever had that "special someone" in your life or don't you look for true love, being a Goddess and all that?
The concept of 'someone special' varies. Perhaps you should elaborate. As for love, one should never actively search for love. The universe is built in such a fashion that it generally finds you all by itself.

Weekly Feature

Dimitri's Demise
by Piper Kin

Dimitri Koraceb smirked at the goddess even as he dabbed at his bloodied nose. He didn't bother to hide his gloating smile as he watched her. He'd made her angry enough to lash out physically, no one else had ever done that.

"You are wrong, Dimitri," she scolded, her face a mask of dismay. Dimitri scowled. The one thing that had always thwarted his flawless plans was her ability and willingness to read his mind. "You are far from the first I have beaten this way."

She stepped away from him toward one of the burning bowls of oil that stood either side of the dais, and despite himself, Dimitri winced. He knew what was coming. The red hot brand resting in the oil told him as much.

"Since you are such a barbarian, Dimitri, I will brand you as such. You have failed me."

"Oh come, Xanth, we both know that's not why you're p-" Before he could finish, she whipped around, the brand ripping through the air toward him, her hiss masking the sound he made.

"You are right, Dimitri. This brand is so all of Elysia will know how you turned against them." She tossed the steaming metal aside and stood back, staring down at him. If she'd been angry, he would have laughed in her face, but just then all he could see was disappointment.

Scowling, he lunged to his feet, almost considered going for her throat, but dismissed the idea as ludicrous. She wasn't the world's best fighter, but she didn't need to be when she had the power of the universe at her fingertips.

"I'll be back, Xanth. Your little kingdom will fall."

She had looked away when he stood. Now her eyes lifted, her gaze meeting his, full of fire and brimstone. Dimitri quivered despite himself, despite the many years he had served as her Aide.

He had been greedy. Becoming a demigod had not been enough for him - he wanted it all. But in all the time he had served her, advised her, worked with her, he had never seen her like this.

And he never would again, or anything else for that matter.

"You will not get the chance, Dimitri."

Employment Agency

Public Relations

Help spread the word about Elysia by travelling the world wide web in search of roleplay sites just like ours. Read their rules and follow ours as you give them a link to EF and one of our buttons, and pass on their details so we can link to them.

You'll be paid $50 per week with a bonus of $50 for every successful affiliation.

Please send applications to Xanth's Secretary.

Assistant Editor

The Chronicles is looking for a new assistant editor to work alongside Chenoan.


+ Oversee the features team
+ Ensure the paper is printed on time
+ Make sure deadlines are adhered to
+ Proofread features and edit where necessary
+ Check links and sources
+ Accept submissions of tips and features
+ Write headline stories
+ Pay salaries for regular staff
+ Pay for submissions from freelancers


$100 per week to be paid by Chenoan.

How to Apply

In your application please include the following:

+ Your real name or alias (not your character's name)
+ Apply from the character account you wish the salary to be paid to should you get the job
+ Please include a portfolio of headline stories (please check the Chronicles archives for an idea of what we're after).

Please PM questions and applications to Chenoan, thank you.

Friday, 22 December 2006

Volume 3: Issue 4

I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich. ~ Dan Wilcox and Thad Mumford, "Identity Crisis," M*A*S*H


The Christmas Ball
by Piper Kin

For days anticipation has run hot throughout Elysia ever since the invitations to the Snowflake Ball organised by Scarlett Caye, Alieh Kae and Faith went out. Hosted in a winter wonderland of a cave in the lower Alps, the ball requires formal dress and even the Imps are in attendance - as elves!

Some of the best Elysian musicians have arrived to help partygoers get into the swing of things. We hear the cave is a bit chilly though, so make sure you take a jacket that matches your party best. ^__~

(Art by Alieh Kae, aka AmberRose)

Daoine's Dinner
by Piper Kin

The Cosy Cafe is already the busiest eatery in the marketplace and the hotspot for gossip. It's also been visited by a few of the A-List in the past - Kiril and even Xanth once stopped there for lunch (though we hear there was a bit of a kerfuffle about that).

This Christmas, Daoine is hosting a lovely feast for Elysians who don't want the hassle of cooking for themselves. With the menu available now, who can resist?

Don't forget to RSVP!

The Quest for an Aide Continues
by Tom Caye

The questers representing Nymphs, humans and Dragons now face their toughest challenge yet - the less-than-pleasant portal gatekeeper and Nymph, Evadne. Her looks are ravishing, her raven black hair is to die for and her eyes sparkle in such a way that even the toughest warrior could melt under her gaze. However, do not let the beauty of her exterior fool you - it has been discovered that the obstacles the questers have faced were the work of the Nymph. The presence of the quest party has thoroughly irritated the wench, causing her to crash trees down in their path and generally make their task as difficult as possible. Despite the hate-fuelled woman's intentions, this reporter thoroughly believes the questers can pass her and enter the Acanthan dimension - surely they didn't come this far to fail?

The Haunting of Dazadi
by Piper Kin

Two hundred years ago, as a previous feature told, the Aide Dazadi's partner, Kade, was killed on a mission that haunts Dazadi to this very day. When she faced the Hind, all those memories boiled to the surface, leaving the already unhinged Aide more than a little crazy. It wasn't until Dazadi was rescued, however, that events took a rather unexpected turn when she accidentally used her Anyeli/Aide powers to download her entire life into the mind of Suka Matali.

As readers of the Chronicles will already know, Suka has since become a menace to Elysian society - particularly its women. As more and more of Dazadi's memories attacked him, Suka became almost as unhinged as Dazadi herself until finally it seems that his body is being taken over by the very Dragon - Kade - who died two hundred years ago.

While Kade attempts to regain his own body with Dazadi's help, Suka slips away into oblivion leaving his own girlfriend to wait in terror that he'll never come back. Can Kade get his own body back or is Suka doomed?

Weekly Feature

Kaida's Revenge
by Kaida Tanili

Before I could take another step, I heard a loud thud behind me, and swung around. Just at my eyes focused on the hunter, a loud crack rang through the air, followed by an exploding pain in my shoulder. Turning my head, I looked down at my arm, and saw what had happened. The bullet from his gun had gone clean through, and the pain it caused was immense. Turning my head slowly, I looked at the hunter before me. Although I was in pain, and I know I was, my brain refused to register it. My soul didn’t care. All reason had left me, and I was stuck with the shell of a monster. I was going to kill him, and I was going to enjoy it.

Either the hunter saw the killer in my eyes, or he had no more bullets to shoot, he ran off as quickly as he could muster. I only took a few steps, my motions flawless. It was like I was following a pre laid out plan, and nothing could go wrong. My confidence in my ability was so stunning, if he’d of shot me full of bullets I don’t think I would have wavered. Taking the knife in my hand, I pulled it back then launched it with a roar at the hunter. It flung quickly through the air, sticking directly into his spine. He fell forward with a hard crash, nearly collapsing into the tree beside him.

I made my way to his weeping body and stood over him, one foot on each side of his body. Picking up his body by his hair, I pulled him off the ground just enough to get a good look at his face. There was no doubt in my mind; this was the hunter who’d beheaded my mother. Throwing him down to the ground, I took my knife by the handle and yanked it out of his back. He let loose a scream even I looked away from. Closing my eyes and clenching my jaw, my fist griped the knife with a fury that had only intensified since the killing began. With one smooth motion, I bent down and garroted him. Moving to the side, I placed my foot on his shoulder and kicked him onto his back.

As I stood there watching him die, my knife still gripped tight in my hand, images of my mothers life flashed before my eyes. Her wonderful life and our time together all flooded my memories. Then her death entered my mind again. Vision after vision, I saw her die over and over and over. And then, I saw her being scavenged. Scavenged. Letting loose a scream of pain, I held my knife above my head and sunk to the floor, plunging it into the hunters heart. His body shook from the sudden motion, just before becoming still completely. The mess around me was immense, but my soul was shut off to it. My body wrenched in sobs once more for my departed mother.

Finally I released my hold on my knife and pushed my body back falling to the ground. Scrambling to get up, I looked away from the murderer’s body and stumbled in the opposite direction. My senses were beginning to catch up to me, and my body ached from the wound I’d been given. My muscles were sore from the exertion they’d been put through, and my heart accepted its broken fate. Closing my eyes, I slowly made my way home, needing to get away from all I’d seen, and all I’d done. As I walked away from the massacre behind me, I heard the low howls of prey, coming to claim her kills.

The End.

Employment Agency

Public Relations

Help spread the word about Elysia by travelling the world wide web in search of roleplay sites just like ours. Read their rules and follow ours as you give them a link to EF and one of our buttons, and pass on their details so we can link to them.

You'll be paid $50 per week with a bonus of $50 for every successful affiliation.

Please send applications to Xanth's Secretary.

Assistant Editor

The Chronicles is looking for a new assistant editor to work alongside Chenoan.


+ Oversee the features team
+ Ensure the paper is printed on time
+ Make sure deadlines are adhered to
+ Proofread features and edit where necessary
+ Check links and sources
+ Accept submissions of tips and features
+ Write headline stories
+ Pay salaries for regular staff
+ Pay for submissions from freelancers


$100 per week to be paid by Chenoan.

How to Apply

In your application please include the following:

+ Your real name or alias (not your character's name)
+ Apply from the character account you wish the salary to be paid to should you get the job
+ Please include a portfolio of headline stories (please check the Chronicles archives for an idea of what we're after).

Please PM questions and applications to Chenoan, thank you.

Friday, 15 December 2006

Volume 3: Issue 3

It's only when you look at an ant through a magnifying glass on a sunny day that you realise how often they burst into flames. ~ Harry Hill


by Piper Kin

In the last week or so, there have been two notable changes in Elysia - the advent of Character Journals and the release of the new default skin called Grey Fields.

Both have apparently been welcomed with excitement and the Journals board is already filling up with threads that can chart a character's life as deeply or shallowly as they like.

"It's nice to have our hard work pay off," stated one of the members responsible for the journals. "But it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for the suggestion of one of our members."

This just goes to show that it's worth the effort of passing your ideas on. "Even if we can't use them straight away, or as a whole, we'll definitely try to use them in whatever capacity we can."

Invitation to Apply
by Chenoan Cirocco

As Elysia grows, so does the need for money. With the opening of widely publicized journals the need has lessened slightly, but it's still there. We here at the chronicles post all open jobs in the paper each week. Sadly we rarely get any applicants.

So consider this an open invitation to apply for an Elysian job. From Writers to Artists there's definitely something for almost anyone. So what're you waiting for?


None for this week!

Weekly Feature

Kaida's Revenge, Part 3
by Kaida Tanili

I followed my own sent back to their camp. Without chasing anyone, the run back seemed longer. I was actually able to feel the burn in my side by the time I got back. I had no doubt in my mind that the other two would wonder about their friend, and probably disappear looking for him. When I found that they hadn’t, I felt my eyes harden even more. These hunters seemed to be heartless in every aspect. Clenching my jaw again, I waited patiently, trying my hardest not to look at the prize they'd gathered from my mother. At this point, I was lost. They had guns, traps, and most of all; there was two of them. I didn’t stand a chance, especially not as a bear cub. As I lay there thinking, I shook my head. I had only one chance. And if I wasn’t successful, then my mother had died in vain. She died to protect our secret, and I was about to openly show it.

Sucking in my breath, I let it out shakily. Erupting in a roar, I burst through the brush and into the small clearing. My actions startled one hunter backwards off his chair, and the other flung for his gun, picking it up and aiming it at me. I stood perfectly still in that moment. I stared at the ground, and willed my ears to pick every little sound up. The rustling of the chair, the hunter peaking up from lying on his back, a finger clicking down on the trigger, then releasing it, his arm coming down, bringing the gun along with it. They looked at me, and they saw a small bear cub. I was a prize, a trophy. If they kept me alive, they could sell me, just like my father. I, I was their ticket to getting rich quickly. If only they knew. But, I guess they were about to.

Shifting as quickly as I could, my body morphed into that of a human woman. It didn’t take long as I was still chalk full of adrenaline. The shock from what he'd seen made the hunter with the gun stumble back, while the other one got enough sense to realize what was going on. He began to scramble to his feet as the other one lifted his gun once again, aiming at me. With a motion I’d never felt before, I quickly reached behind myself, pulling out my spear any my knife. In an underhand motion I flung my knife as hard as I could directly at the gunned hunter’s leg. Just as it pierced his flesh, making him rip loose in a blood curdling scream, I lifted my spear and turned towards the other hunter. His shock over not just what he’d seen me do, but from his buddies scream had him standing paralyzed. If I had been any other person… if I had seen anything other than what I’d seen, I might have spared him. But I didn’t. Pulling back my upper body, I braced myself and shot forward my spear aiming directly for his heart. Its swiftness was just as it glided through the air and hit its mark. I watched as it sunk into his chest and shot out the other side. His hand went up to hold the wooden pole, clutching at it falling to his knees. He looked up at me in his dying moments, and I met his gaze, not once flinching, or feeling any bit of remorse. It didn’t take long until he fell over, gasping for his last breath.

Turning around to find the other hunter, I found the place he stood was empty. The coward had seen what I had done to his friend, though why he didn’t just shoot me I’ll never know. I wasn’t in my animal form any longer, and his sent was lost. But I could taste his fear in air. Pulling out yet another knife, I began to slowly look around for him. In his state of mind, even as a human I’d be able to hear him running. And other than the crack of forest beneath my feet, I heard nothing. Pressing my hand to a nearby tree, I stopped and peered. The dark of the night was intense, and being a human, a distressed one at that, wasn’t helping at all. Pushing myself away from the tree I moved forward, gazing in every direction. He was not going to get away with murdering my mother. Even if I had to devote my life to hunting him down.

Employment Agency

Public Relations

Help spread the word about Elysia by travelling the world wide web in search of roleplay sites just like ours. Read their rules and follow ours as you give them a link to EF and one of our buttons, and pass on their details so we can link to them.


+Advertising the Elysian Fields


You'll be paid $20 per week with a bonus of $50 for every successful affiliation.

How to Apply

Please send applications to Xanth's Secretary.

Calling all artists!

Wouldn't it be great if we could actually see Xanth's Temple? Or the Fae Tree, or the marketplace? Wouldn't it be amazing to see what an imp really looks like, or how big the Scorpion King was?

As much as the Elysian Fields is based off our members imaginations, it would be really cool if we could create a visual aspect for the site. And that's where you come in.

We're looking for:
+ landscapes, including city and rural scapes
+ humanoid beings
+ non-humanoid creatures for the bestiary
+ miscellaneous items and scenes

If you sign up, you'll be given a description to work from and the rest is up to you. ^__^


Further details to be given to the artists hired. Payment to be arranged per piece. Please be aware that we do have requirements and you'll need to be able to take instruction. ^__~

How to Apply

If you think you can help, please send examples of your art (minimum of three pieces) to Xanth's Secretary and wait to hear from us. ^^

Assistant Editor

The Chronicles is looking for a new assistant editor to work alongside Chenoan.


+ Oversee the features team
+ Ensure the paper is printed on time
+ Make sure deadlines are adhered to
+ Proofread features and edit where necessary
+ Check links and sources
+ Accept submissions of tips and features
+ Write headline stories
+ Pay salaries for regular staff
+ Pay for submissions from freelancers

This is an out of character job for the most part so we will be hiring based on the following factors:

+ Good English
+ Ability to work in a team or alone
+ Good imagination
+ Time to do all of the above
+ Good knowledge of what's happening around Elysia


$100 per week to be paid by Chenoan.

How to Apply

In your application please include the following:

+ Your real name or alias (not your character's name)
+ Apply from the character account you wish the salary to be paid to should you get the job
+ Please include a portfolio of headline stories (minimum of three, please check the Chronicles archives for an idea of what we're after).

Please PM questions and applications to Chenoanthank you.

Feature Artist & Journalist

The Chronicles is also looking for new writers and artists for the weekly features section.


+ Submit at least one feature per month
+ Adhere to any deadlines
+ Follow the editors' guidance
+ Check all facts before writing
+ Check links and sources
+ Write at least one headline story per week


+ Good English or Art
+ Ability to proof your own work
+ Good imagination
+ Time to do all of the above
+ Good knowledge of what's happening around Elysia
+ Ability to take constructive criticism


Feature staff are paid $50 per feature submission by Chenoan and $15 per submitted headline story.

How to Apply

In your application please include a portfolio (minimum of two features, please check the Chronicles archives for an idea of what we're after).

Please PM questions and applications to Chenoan, thank you.


Oh so empty...

Friday, 8 December 2006

Volume 3: Issue 2

Caution: Do not use while sleeping. ~ Packaging label from a Sears Hair Dryer


Quest for a Forgotten Aide
by Kaida Tanili

After receiving instructions from Xanth, Maximus Mills is well on his way to starting out on his quest. So far he's been able to gather a pretty strong group and with the task at hand it looks like he'll need it. First to be asked, and the first to join, was the Nymph Matriarch Castalia. Soon after, Red Dragon Zephyr Cairbre came into Max's hospital wing with weapon supplies and joined the quest. Then on a trip to the Cozy Cafe, Max was able to talk with Gold Dragon Daoine Sidheanta who, after Max discreetly mentioned all he could at the time, was able to visit Max in his hospital wing and soon after she agreed to join as well. Gathering the only other human Max deemed worthy a fighter, Elise Theiroe, he also got his fifth and final quester, Nymphadora Makani. All in all it seems like a decent sized group. Although the Nymphs wont be able to leave the dimension, the two humans and two dragons will venture into the unknown to do Xanth's bidding. Only time can tell whether or not they will be successful in this mission.

Everyone's a Journalist
by Chenoan Cirocco

The new introduction of Elysian Journals has taken Elysia by storm. With the offer of rather large sums of money as well as the opportunity to lay out all your thoughts and feelings, who wouldn't want one? Sanura Chandler was one of the first to make a journal entry. Soon after, many prominent Elysians started to follow the trend and get their thoughts all down on paper.

The journals consist of a map with all of your past and present locations, a friend/enemy tracker so you can jot down all those names of people you've met, and a time line so you can record important dates in your life, such as the day you beat the Scorpion King or when you opened your very first store.

So what're you waiting for? Go make one and start writing!


To Chenoan: If you had to choose between being an Aide or being with Dora, what would it be?
Dora hands down. She doesn't blackmail me, force me to quit jobs I love, to do ones I hate, punish me for things that I couldn't help, or lie to me. Not to mention the fact that I love her.

Weekly Feature

Kaida's Revenge, Part 2
by Kaida Tanili

My thoughts were so far gone; my actions became nothing more that basic instinct. Without realizing, I began to tread through a deep mud, the chunks clung to my body. My pure white coat was now almost completely covered in the thick, disgusting, brown gunck, save for a few patches on my back. Struggling to break free from the sinking mud, I fell through to the other side, and pushed myself even harder to find them. Suddenly, I heard it. The rustling of bushes; the breaking of twigs. Only a human could be that loud. Only a human could find a way to attract that much attention to themselves.

Crouching low to the ground, I snuck as close as I could get. Through the dense brush, I could clearly see the three hunters. They’d decided to stop, and set up camp. One began working on the fire, the other… My voice nearly brroke the silence of the forest as my choked sob nearly tore free from my mouth. Not more than a few yards in front of me, I found myself staring into my own mother’s eyes. Her white coat, one she’d always spent so much time keeping clean, making sure I did the same, was hanging beside, stained. A hunter began tending to her, and I had to look away. My eyes welled up, and I felt the sting of tears about to break free, but in the distance was the third hunter. He had made his way away from the group, probably to fetch water. Hardening my heart yet again, I turned from the others, and slowly began to stalk him.

He was easy to follow. Loud; clumsy. I would barely even consider him a threat, but this wasn’t about danger. This… This was about revenge. And like they always say… revenge is best served cold. As he made his way toward the stream, the very stream my mother and I frequented, I followed. But unlike before, I followed… noisily. I wanted to be heard. I wanted his heart to pound so hard in his chest; he’d die from a heart attack before I could even get to him. Purposefully stepping on a rather large stick with my paw, it made a loud crack.

“Who’s there?” I heard him call out.

Digging as deep as I could, a low growl erupted from my throat. Its vibrations bounced off every tree, making me seem bigger than what I was in actuality. His posture clearly showed he’d heard it when his breathing grew more intense and his footing faltered. Sprawling to the ground, I saw him reach for his waist. Apparently, he’d forgotten his weapon, whatever it may have been. As he lay on the ground, trying to scramble to his feet, I erupted into a loud roar; flinging myself into the nearest tree in an attempt to make it shake. If it worked, I didn’t pay attention, because whatever had occurred had scared the hunter onto his feet. Of course, like the idiot humans are, he ran away from camp and further into the woods.

As I followed him my breathing increased with every step I took. Soon I came to realize that my paws wouldn’t get a chance to cause damage. Seeing the cliff up ahead, the hunter slowed to a stop. He looked around him, spinning in each direction, trying to see not only where I was coming from, but where he could go. I slowed my running to a stop, and climbed a nearby fallen tree. Approaching him from above, sharp snorts of breath came from my nose, and the sound of my claws digging into the wood filled the air. The hunter in front of me stared wide eyed into the darkness of the thick forest. He’d backed up to the edge of the cliff, the rushing water of the river beside him cascading down to the valley below. Without hesitation, I let loose a loud roar, mixed with a human scream, and flung myself from the tree to the hunter. His shock and freight displayed on his face bore into my eyes as he flung himself backward, falling to his death beside the raging falls. I edged my way to the ledge, and watched him fall; his screams drowned out buy the rushing water. It took mere seconds, but it seemed like forever, probably more so to him. Finally, his body hit the rocks below. When the water beside him changed color, I turned away. There were still two left.

Employment Agency

Public Relations

Help spread the word about Elysia by travelling the world wide web in search of roleplay sites just like ours. Read their rules and follow ours as you give them a link to EF and one of our buttons, and pass on their details so we can link to them.


+Advertising the Elysian Fields


You'll be paid $20 per week with a bonus of $50 for every successful affiliation.

How to Apply

Please send applications to Xanth's Secretary.

Calling all artists!

Wouldn't it be great if we could actually see Xanth's Temple? Or the Fae Tree, or the marketplace? Wouldn't it be amazing to see what an imp really looks like, or how big the Scorpion King was?

As much as the Elysian Fields is based off our members imaginations, it would be really cool if we could create a visual aspect for the site. And that's where you come in.

We're looking for:
+ landscapes, including city and rural scapes
+ humanoid beings
+ non-humanoid creatures for the bestiary
+ miscellaneous items and scenes

If you sign up, you'll be given a description to work from and the rest is up to you. ^__^


Further details to be given to the artists hired. Payment to be arranged per piece. Please be aware that we do have requirements and you'll need to be able to take instruction. ^__~

How to Apply

If you think you can help, please send examples of your art (minimum of three pieces) to Xanth's Secretary and wait to hear from us. ^^

Assistant Editor

The Chronicles is looking for a new assistant editor to work alongside Chenoan.


+ Oversee the features team
+ Ensure the paper is printed on time
+ Make sure deadlines are adhered to
+ Proofread features and edit where necessary
+ Check links and sources
+ Accept submissions of tips and features
+ Write headline stories
+ Pay salaries for regular staff
+ Pay for submissions from freelancers

This is an out of character job for the most part so we will be hiring based on the following factors:

+ Good English
+ Ability to work in a team or alone
+ Good imagination
+ Time to do all of the above
+ Good knowledge of what's happening around Elysia


$100 per week to be paid by Chenoan.

How to Apply

In your application please include the following:

+ Your real name or alias (not your character's name)
+ Apply from the character account you wish the salary to be paid to should you get the job
+ Please include a portfolio of headline stories (minimum of three, please check the Chronicles archives for an idea of what we're after).

Please PM questions and applications to Chenoanthank you.

Feature Artist & Journalist

The Chronicles is also looking for new writers and artists for the weekly features section.

+ Submit at least one feature per month
+ Adhere to any deadlines
+ Follow the editors' guidance
+ Check all facts before writing
+ Check links and sources
+ Write at least one headline story per week


+ Good English or Art
+ Ability to proof your own work
+ Good imagination
+ Time to do all of the above
+ Good knowledge of what's happening around Elysia
+ Ability to take constructive criticism


Feature staff are paid $50 per feature submission by Chenoan and $15 per submitted headline story.

How to Apply

In your application please include a portfolio (minimum of two features, please check the Chronicles archives for an idea of what we're after).

Please PM questions and applications to Chenoan, thank you.

Friday, 1 December 2006

Volume 3: Issue 1

A Christmas gambol oft could cheer
The poor man's heart through half the year.
~ Walter Scott


Sanctuary news to come!
by Chenoan Cirocco

With the newly allowed access for reading of sanctuaries, the Elysian Chronicles staff has plans for doing articles on the ins and outs of these newly opened areas. But we're going to need even more tips than before! To commemmorate these new stories the tip payment for all tips will be DOUBLED for the next month! That means you'll get $10 for just suggesting it and $20 for writing out the full article! Payment will only be given if it's used, but with the amount this high why not simply send it in?

Tips to be sent to Chenoan.

Monthly Awards
by the Aides

For ensuring that our staff are paid on a weekly basis and collecting health insurance, even though real life has reclaimed her, Aithe receives the Staff Member of the Month award. Thank you for your help, without which Elysia could not run. ^_^

For exceptional roleplay (even if it is a little warm here all of a sudden!), Castalia receives the Member of the Month award. Thank you for always making sure to spellcheck! ^__~

Mahesa's Return
by Kaida Tanili

As many of you know the quest for the Hydra Venom finally came to a close. Upon Zephyr Cairbre's request, Kaida Tanili left her dinner at the Cozy Cafe to return to the questers and see what the hold-up was. When she saw the head of the Hydra still laying where it fell, she herself hauled it back to Suka Matali's wing in the Hospital. Upon arriving at the hospital during the course of an investigation, Nymphadora Makani took the syringe given to her by Suka and injected it into the human in an attempt to revive her. Unable to stay, both Kaida and Nymphadora left the wing, one leaving for home, the other to inform Zephyr of the goings-on. Not long after, Mahesa awoke to Ryou's calls, and the two left the wing for her home. Mahesa had seen the note but did the drug given to her wipe out her memory? How long will it be before Zephyr finds out what really happened?

Dazadi's Instability
by Piper Kin

Ever since dumping over five hundred years' worth of her memories into the mind of Suka Matali, Dazadi Dacre has been crazier than ever. Sources in the Cloud Palace have told us that she's holed herself up inside her quarters and won't have anything to do with the Anyeli administration, leaving the faction leaders (the very same Suka Matali and his sworn enemy, Kaethe Raesean) to do her work for her.

Dazadi has only been spotted outside the palace twice since her rescue and both times it seems that she's caused more harm than good. We here at the Chronicles have to wonder if she's fit for duty, and give you a fair warning: If you see Dazadi as you wander Elysia, try not to make her mad. That seems to bring out the beast in her. ^__~

Belle's Turning
by Kaida Tanili

One month ago, in the midst of a full-on Halloween Extravaganza, Belle Daae was assaulted by a rogue vampire. Apparently in his kindness, he decided to turn her, rather than see her dead. Upon hearing the scuffle, Aithe Keahi - the host of the party - along with many others rushed to the humans side. After being flown off by Chenoan Cirocco along with Maximus Mills and Aithe, Belle was taken to the hospital for treatment. The police officer on the scene, Nymphadora Makani, found she was too busy and soon passed the investigation on to Aiden Roy who gladly took over. So far, nothing has come up and no news of Belle's health has surfaced. So the question this reporter is asking, "Do we have a new vampire in Elysia or not?"

Tolerance in Elysia
by Kaida Tanili

Elysia is chock full of different species and creatures. Although all are accepted as "Others", it seems discrimination and stereotypes still live on. One species in particular seems to struggle with this reality. High in the Alps, taking refuge in a small cabin cafe, three Others randomly meet and enjoy a chat. The topic soon leads to Vampire tolerance, and the realization that stereotypes should be ignored, and that Vampires should embrace their species with openness. The two Shapeshifters, Aiden Roy and Sanura Chandler, discuss it in further detail with Vampiress Scarlett. Maybe with this acceptance from Others, Vampires might not be so scarce here in Elysia.

Design a Creature
by Piper Kin

In October, Xanth gave you a chance to design an Elysian beastie purely from scratch. Jade won that competition with the Vlareon, a Grim Reaper-esque creature that my fellow writer, Kaida Tanili, featured in last week's issue.

Now, the Aides are giving you another chance to create a non-player creature, except this time, it doesn't have to be original. So, have a beast you'd like to see around Elysia? A banshee, perhaps, or a celpie? Well, get those entries sent in by the 20th, and who knows? You could earn yourself a trophy and a place in Elysia's history books as the person who discovered the gnomes. ^__~

Weekly Feature

Kaida's Revenge, Part 1
by Kaida Tanili

As I sat there, holding her lifeless body in my arms, my tears fell. They’d taken her coat, her claws. Worst of all, they’d even beheaded her. If I hadn’t seen it all happen with my own two eyes, I never would have known this was my own mother. Her beautiful life had been taken from her. Her family; me; thrown into the cruel world with nothing more than a name. And it was all for money. It was all for luxurious fur, and whatever else they took from her. Those hunters didn’t think twice about who they were hurting. I can’t even imagine the pain she must have been in. If only she’d have shifted. If only she’d shown them that it was a human being they were murdering.

I closed my eyes tight, my body wrenching with sobs as I clutched at my mother's body. My entire front was drenched, dirt and snow as well. I knew what I needed to do. I knew what I should do. But try as I might, I couldn’t tear myself away from her lifeless form. She was my mother. But I hadn’t the strength to lift her. I hadn’t the energy to bury her. I hadn’t the heart to let her go.

Minutes passed, and my sobs soon faded. The cold steel of hatred began to wash over my body. It urged me to get up. Get up; and find who did this. I would find them and show them the same kindness they’d shown my mother. Lifting her paw, I closed my eyes, a final tear rolling down my cheek, and kissed her goodbye. Without a second glance, for fear my heart couldn’t harden any more, I picked up my weapons from the ground and followed the well-distinguished path that the hunters had laid out for me. They didn’t know it but they’d just signed their own death warrants.

Shifting into my polar bear cub form, my weapons still strapped to my back, I set myself at a full-on run. My nose began picking up every stench they'd left for me. I could even smell traces of my mother. Clenching my jaw, I nearly bit off my tongue with the thought of them having my mother's parts. My eyes glazed over with as much hatred as I’ve ever felt before in my life. I felt as if I was walking blind, but every smell, every sound, every sight, was crystal clear. My pace surprisingly increased as my heart thuded from the adrenaline. They were near. I could smell them.

Employment Agency

Assistant Editor

The Chronicles is looking for a new assistant editor to work alongside Chenoan.


+ Oversee the features team
+ Ensure the paper is printed on time
+ Make sure deadlines are adhered to
+ Proofread features and edit where necessary
+ Check links and sources
+ Accept submissions of tips and features
+ Write headline stories
+ Pay salaries for regular staff
+ Pay for submissions from freelancers

This is an out of character job for the most part so we will be hiring based on the following factors:

+ Good English
+ Ability to work in a team or alone
+ Good imagination
+ Time to do all of the above
+ Good knowledge of what's happening around Elysia


$80 per week to be paid by Chenoan.

How to Apply

In your application please include the following:

+ Your real name or alias (not your character's name)
+ Apply from the character account you wish the salary to be paid to should you get the job
+ Please include a portfolio of headline stories (minimum of three, please check the Chronicles archives for an idea of what we're after).

Please PM questions and applications to Chenoan, thank you.

Feature Artist & Journalist

The Chronicles is also looking for new writers and artists for the weekly features section.


+ Submit at least one feature per month
+ Adhere to any deadlines
+ Follow the editors' guidance
+ Check all facts before writing
+ Check links and sources
+ Write at least one headline story per week


+ Good English or Art
+ Ability to proof your own work
+ Good imagination
+ Time to do all of the above
+ Good knowledge of what's happening around Elysia
+ Ability to take constructive criticism


Feature staff are paid $50 per feature submission by Chenoan and $15 per submitted headline story.

How to Apply

In your application please include the following:

Please include a portfolio (minimum of two features, please check the Chronicles archives for an idea of what we're after).

Please PM questions and applications to Chenoan, thank you.

Friday, 24 November 2006

Volume 2: Issue 4

Twin brothers, one named Emal and the other Juan, grew up and moved out of the country. A year later, their mother receives from Juan a letter and picture of himself. His mother sighs and mentions she wishes she had a picture from Emal as well. "Why," replies her husband, "if you've seen Juan, you've seen Emal." ~ Groaners


Head Office Moves Again
by Piper Kin

Just two months ago, the Chronicles moved from a pokey office to a cosy building in New York. Since that time, we've found even nicer premises in the market square.

But what does this mean for our readers? Surely, having an off-site paper will make it harder to catch up on Elysia's goings-on? Well, not according to Editor-in-Chief, Chenoan Cirocco. According to him, there'll be reminder notes in the calendar every Friday so you won't forget when we go to print, with a link to the current issue.

I must admit, my office is much nicer than the old desk I had, but what do our readers think? Why don't you write in to Chenoan and tell him?

EF comes out of it's shell! Players Only
by Chenoan Cirocco

A new EF Staff IM account was just announced. According to sources it's to be used for any suggestions or questions that someone might want answered quickly. There are also three alternatives in case you don't have an AIM account. Those alternatives are the Audience with the Aides thread, where you can ask a question and be answered by an Aide or maybe even Xanth herself; the Complaints Office thread, where you can gripe, complain, moan and groan about anything EF related all you want; or you can always PM the Secretary.

Ed: Please remember to follow the Forum Rules any time you make use of one of these options, thanks!

Desert Mugging
by Kaida Tanili

Not too long ago, our very own Elise Theiroe, disguised as Anya, the owner of The Jade Refinery, was taking a stroll around midnight through The Maze of the Scorpion Desert. While on her way to her destination, a random mugger came out of no where and attacked Elise with his daggers. Fortunately, this thief wasn't dealing with just any small woman, but a skilled fighter. While Elise tried to fend off her attacker, the mugger got the upper hand, and eventually was successful in injuring her. As she lay there, losing life by the moment, the mugger began to rob her, no doubt thinking he'd won the battle.

Either by pure luck or fate itself, the well-known Storm Riders came to her aid. Showing himself for the first time, the leader of the Storm Riders, Amiri Jalil, rode to Elise's rescue. Fending off the attacker, who fled in fear of the renowned Rider, Amiri scooped up Elise and brought her to the healer Suka Matali. With Anya's hood pulled back from the fight, her true identity is revealed to the Pet's of DOOM owner, only confirming his previous suspicions. Once she was healed, the mysterious Storm Rider rode off into the night, leaving Elise to fend for herself.

Full Access, Players Only
by Chenoan Cirocco

Ever been confused when someone talked about something that happened in Paris, the Grove, or the Cloud Palace? Well be confused no more! Now you can read any thread in any sanctuary (except for the Adult and teen boards of course) no matter what species you are! This is for players only however, so your various characters can't know what happened in the Crypt or the Dark Temple if they only have access to the Village Square. We hope you enjoy reading all of the newly available threads and catching up on anything you might've missed!

Lies, Deceit, and a Coma
by Chenoan Cirocco

In the hospital, Suka Matali has put Mahesa Nagra into an induced coma so that she wouldn't escape from him when MPD officers Zephyr Cairbre and Nymphadora Makani came to the door. They were brought there by Daoine Sideheanta after the incident we reported two weeks ago. Suka Matali received a visitor and left, asking Nymphadora to stay behind and watch Mahesa for him. Zephyr left soon after when he was unable to prove anything had happened. Not giving up, he left Mahesa a note in the hopes that she would come to him when she awoke. Clearly this event isn't over, but how will it turn out?

Faroah Sightings Soar
by Chenoan Cirocco

Recently, reports have been coming in left and right about sightings of the familiar red imp dragon Faroah. He seems to have been delivering some scrolls to specific shops in the marketplace, hospital and Scorpion Desert. While only the recipient of each scroll has been able to read the message there are rumors they are from Xanth herself. The first scroll was sent to Maximus Mills, Mayor and doctor. Another scroll was sent to Castalia, Elysia's pharmacist and Nymph Matriarch. One scroll made it's way to Anya, the mysterious owner of the Jade Refinery. The final scroll was discovered in Zephyr Cairbre's smithy. What do these scrolls say, and more importantly, what do they mean for Elysia? Only time will tell!


To Xanth: Since you can appear to us in many different forms and shapes, what is your favorite appearance?

The one I use the most.

I suppose I should elaborate. When I first arrived on Earth, I was a young girl. I knew nothing of external dimensions or that I was the only one outside of Tanakheim with the power to destroy or create on a whim. I was met with fear and awe by a people who, despite the knowledge that they could not best me, died to make me realise the vast responsibility I now had. I honour them in this form... though it can be irritating to hide my wings for extended periods.

Weekly Feature

Design a Creature Contest Winner
by Kaida Tanili

As you all know, there was a contest for designing a creature. After a long wait and a lot of searching, the staff here at Elysian Chronicles have finally came to a conclusion. The winner of the contest, Jade, provided a wonderful description of a Vlareon. Unfortunately, try as we might, there has been no success in proving this true. So as of today, we officially go on the record in calling this magnificent beast none other than a myth. If you should happen across this creature, which this staff highly doubts, be fair warned of its nature. But who better to explain it than the creator herself. Here is what was written.

by Jade

A distant rumbling, a defying roar. Your heart felt like it stopped beating for a moment and you recoil in fear it’s a Vlareon. A Vlareon is a small creature, of the opposing elemental. It has two wings, one red, and one white. In one side of its head it has a red, twisted horn and the other one is gold. As you’re about to try and figure out what it’s doing here you remember why a Vlareon come to the realm of mortals. It is a servant to death itself. When someone’s died the Vlareon comes to take them to heaven or under the earth. A small gasp of horror escaped your lips
I’m not dead! you scream as it jumps on you and everything turns black. When you wake up there is a crowd of people around you and a car you realize that a car must’ve hit you! A second later the Vlareon appears and speaks slowly and icily
You have been allowed one more chance before you die. Live your life well. We shall meet again. and as soon as it happens it stops and you just sit there starring at the place where it had been.

And as a little treat, here is this artist's rendition of the Vlareon.

Click for full view

Employment Agency

Assistant Editor

The Chronicles is looking for a new assistant editor to work alongside Chenoan and his team.


+ Oversee the features team
+ Ensure the paper is printed on time
+ Make sure deadlines are adhered to
+ Proofread features and edit where necessary
+ Check links and sources
+ Accept submissions of tips and features
+ Write headline stories
+ Pay salaries for regular staff
+ Pay for submissions from freelancers

This is an out of character job for the most part so we will be hiring based on the following factors:

+ Good English
+ Ability to work in a team or alone
+ Good imagination
+ Time to do all of the above
+ Good knowledge of what's happening around Elysia


$80 per week, to be paid by Chenoan.

How to Apply

In your application please include a portfolio of headline stories (minimum of three, please check the Chronicles archives for an idea of what we're after).

Please PM questions and applications to Chenoan, thank you.

Feature Artist & Journalist

The Chronicles is also looking for new writers and artists for the weekly features section.


+ Submit at least one feature per month
+ Adhere to any deadlines
+ Follow the editors' guidance
+ Check all facts before writing
+ Check links and sources
+ Write at least one headline story per week


+ Good English or Art
+ Ability to proof your own work
+ Good imagination
+ Time to do all of the above
+ Good knowledge of what's happening around Elysia
+ Ability to take constructive criticism


Feature staff are paid $50 per feature by Chenoan and $15 per headline.

How to Apply

In your application please include a portfolio (minimum of two features, please check the Chronicles archives for an idea of what we're after).

Please PM questions and applications to Chenoan, thank you.


Herbal Heaven

Have you received a prescription from your doctor or healer? Or are you just looking to improve your physical and/or mental health on your own? Then visit Herbal Heaven, as we've got the largest selection in medicinal herbs in Elysia.

Note: Prescriptions are free of charge if you have Elysia's Health Insurance!

Saturday, 18 November 2006

Volume 2: Issue 3

A good pun is it's own reword. ~ Groaners


Beheading in the Safari
by Chenoan Cirocco

The Quest for Hydra Venom is finally coming to a close! With the successful beheading of the creature it ran off, leaving one of its two heads behind. The questers who fought so valiantly are now injured severely. Kaethe Raesean in particular is horribly wounded while Aithe Keahi seems to have escaped with the least damage. All that's left now is getting the poison out of the head and getting through the portal. Hopefully that will be easier than everything else.

Bar Brawl
by Chenoan Cirocco

Last week the chronicles told all of Elysia about Sylope and Kiril visiting the Elysian Underground's bar. We gave a warning for Elysians to watch themselves, but it seems some paid no attention. The bartender and his various bouncers actually tried to fight the two, resulting in their deaths. As Sylope and Kiril begin to drink, not caring about the pain they caused, Xanth found out and got very angry. What will happen to the Aides? That's up to Xanth.

Image Mix-'n'-match
by Chenoan Cirocco

A few days ago Xanth expressed a concern that too many Elysians looked alike! She's now adjusted it so that everyone will be different. Please make sure you read this important announcement and rectify your image if you're breaking this new law!

Weekly Feature

Hark! 'Tis Vyon and a can of soda!
by Anon Eemus

The Halloween Extravaganza has drawn to a close, along with the spectacular costume competition! Partygoers of Elysia might have seen pirates, animals, and witches alike as they pranced and swirled on the floor.

After a long session of tallying votes, we of the Elysian Chronicles proudly present the winners of this contest!

In first place...Niles! He gets a cool looking trophy () and one hundred dollars!

Introduction: Niles slowly entered the Fae Forest, dressed as...yes, that's right, the one and only human can of coke! He smiled to himself, if wasn't very flattering, expecialy as he didn't even like coke, but he considered it pretty original.

He looked round, Alieh was there, and a few overs he recognised. He made his way over to the table, where he recognised his problem. No arms could make this difficult...

Second in place is Eivyonydd! Here's your $50 prize!

Introduction: Vyon had been sprawled on a log soaking up the atmosphere of the party for a while now. He missed his old friends from New York, and a gigantic party like this brought back memories of all the good times he’d had with them. But he had also made quite a few new friends while he had been in Elysia, people that were more or less like him, and given that he had decided to embrace this new life, it was best not to reminisce on the past too much.

He watched the partygoers enjoying themselves, playing games, dancing and chatting. He even recognised a few of them, though some he thought best to avoid right now. On the other hand there were others he was quite looking forward to seeing again.

Congratulations to the two of ye!

We of The Elysian Chronicles sincerely thank Aithe and Sanura for running such a fantastic Halloween Bash! See ya'll next year!

Wednesday, 15 November 2006

Volume 2: Issue 2

There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did. ~ Groaners


Dancing With the Aides
by Chenoan Cirocco

Recently the dynamic Aide duo of Sylope and Kiril was seen in the Elysian Underground's bar. No one is quite sure why they're there, and so far all they've done is fight between themselves. One source reportedly heard Sylope make a suspicious remark, so all Elysians in the area are advised to take this warning; Watch your necks. We here at the Elysian Chronicles will post more as it develops.

Testing Wit, Might and Skill
by Chenoan Cirocco

Not very long ago Zephyr Cairbre posted a want ad in the Market place section of the Elysian Underground. Shortly after he recieved 3 seperate applicants, all ready to fight or the job. Kaethe Raesean, Eilidh Dickson and Dialto all showed up at close to the same time to apply. Zephyr has proceeded to test them accordingly. His decision will effect the protection of Elysia as they will be the only armor provider here. Will he make the right choice?

Mahesa Revived
by Chenoan Cirocco

As many Elysians know, Mahesa Nagra was stabbed and nearly died not too long ago. Her friends rushed her to the healer named Suka Matali, but the Anyeli sent them on a quest for a special payment. While the questers fought for their lives, Mahesa did as well. In the end Suka had to heal her completely before he recieved his payment. Soon after Daoine Sideheanta was going through the hospital when her empathic Gold Dragon powers kicked in and she caught hold of Suka's anger and and Mahesa's fear. Running to the police station, Daoine found Zephyr Cairbre and Nymphadora Makani there. The two officers seem to be having some sort of internal argument. Will they overcome it and face the issues in the hospital?

Weekly Feature

Flight of Xanth
by Piper Kin

Xanth threw herself onto the opulent cushions adorning her massive bed, scrubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands. She was twelve hundred years old and, like any teenager, she had a mind of her own for at least half that time, yet her father had still summoned her like an infant to inform her of his plans for her marriage.

She had knelt at the foot of the dais beneath his throne, her head dipped with a respect she did not feel for the lord and master of Tanakheim as he detailed the ceremony, not even thinking to mention exactly who she was supposed to marry until his sixteenth wife - Xanth's mother - had pointed it out. All the while, Xanth's fury was boiling.

Finally, in an overly dramatic display of fireworks (literally) she had exploded, telling Abdiriz exactly what she thought of his plans. It was not the first time they had come to blows. It was, unfortunately, the last time.

She had not only chastised him - he, a man of forty thousand years and counting, who had ruled Tanakheim with an iron fist for three quarters of that and kept over fifty wives happy! In ten seconds flat she had also insulted the entire Abdiriz bloodline.

She was doomed.

"It was a stupid thing to do, my love."

Xanth shot upright on the bed to glare at her brother. It was unclear if Yaziz was the youngest of Abdiriz's sons as he was born around the same time as three of their sisters (all to different mothers) and no one in Tanakheim paid attention to such mundane things as exact birth dates. He liked to think he was the youngest, though, and certainly played up to the title. He was mischief incarnate and though Xanth loved him for bringing fun to the palace where there was none, this was not the time for his jests.

"Ugh, go away, Yaziz."

"Poor baby," he smirked, throwing himself onto the bed beside her. "If everyone reacted this way when Father married them off, there would be no girls left in our family."

"I refuse to marry anyone just so he can claim more territory. He owns three dimensions already, is that not enough?"

"Obviously not," he joked, grinning at her through his fingers. "Look, two hours ago I would have told you to grit your teeth and be a good girl, but it is far too late for that."

Xanth rested her chin on her knees, trying not to ask the inevitable, but doing so anyway. "What will my punishment be?"

"Mother was begging him not to do it. I have no idea what 'it' is."

She was definitely doomed. Yaziz's mother was jealous of Xanth's and the two women had been fighting for Abdiriz's attention for centuries. If she had asked her husband for mercy on Xanth's behalf then the situation was worse than she had thought.

Several curses came to mind. "What do you think I should do?"

Yaziz rolled over, a ball of flame sparking to life in his palm. Xanth watched, almost hypnotised, as he tossed it in the air and caught it. "I do not know that you can do anything, my love. I doubt you can even go to him and agree to the marriage now. It was a rather idiotic thing to do, yes?"

Xanth scowled and knocked his hand aside so that his fireball landed on his stomach. He yelped and shot off the bed, brushing his clothing off even though the fire had not harmed him. "If I were you," he said with gritted teeth, "I would leave Tanakheim and wait for him to calm down before returning to apologise. Of course, we both could be grey-haired by then, but it would surely be better than having your powers stripped or... worse."

Xanth's heart fell out of her stomach. She knew Abdiriz would eagerly strip her powers - he had done it to several of her siblings for minor offences when they were infants. From what Yaziz said, this was going to be much worse than that. Tears in her eyes, she hopped off the bed and hugged her brother. "I will sorely miss you, Yaziz."

He hugged her back, squeezing tight, and nodded. "I will miss you too, my love." As he stepped back and Xanth started to fade away, he added, "Let me know where you land, hmm? I may visit some day."

Employment Agency

Quest Writer

Elysians are in need of quests, whether it be for excitement and adventure, or the rewards they bring. As a quest writer, you will be working in a team under the Quest Manager. Your job will be to post on the noticeboard with quests ranging from small "wanted" advertisements to full adventures. It will be your job to organise what the quest will need - roleplay areas, non-player appearances, rewards and so on - and clear those things with the Aides beforehand, then recruit potential questers.

Note: This is a big job and will require a lot of time. We would prefer to hire more than one but please do not apply if you cannot guarantee the time.


+ Plan quests
+ Gather the resources necessary to carry out those quests
+ Recruit questers
+ Arrange rewards, whether they be graphic, monetary or items, with the Aides
+ Roleplay non-player appearances
+ Work in conjunction with moderators and other staff members - you may need their help
+ Run one quest per week

This is an out of character job so we will be hiring based on the following factors:

+ Good English
+ Good roleplaying
+ Awareness of Elysian law and rules
+ Ability to work in a team or alone
+ Good imagination


Between $20 and $150 per quest to be paid to whichever character you decide (you will not be able to swap and change throughout your career, however) depending on the size of the quest.

How to Apply

In your application please include the following:

+ Your real name or alias (not your character's name)
+ Apply from the character account you wish the salary to be paid to should you get the job
+ Include ideas for quests (minimum of five ideas - at least one paragraph description for each)

Please PM questions and applications to Eivyonydd.

Friday, 3 November 2006

Volume 2: Issue 1

A hungry lion was roaming through the jungle looking for something to eat. He came across two men. One was sitting under a tree and reading a book. The other was typing away on his typewriter. The lion quickly pounced on the man reading the book and devoured him. Even the king of the jungle knows that readers digest and writers cramp. ~ Groaners


Elysia's Hall of Fame
by Piper Kin

October is three days gone and it's that time of the month again. The winner of October's Design a Creature contest has been announced and congratulations must go to Jade for her winning entry about the Vlareon.

Additionally, two members have been given a surprise new award, the member and staff member of the month awards for raising the bar of roleplay and working above and beyond the call of duty. Aithe and Nymphadora should be very happy with their new trophies.

Which brings me to the breaking news that the Hall of Fame (originally the Awards Records) has undergone a complete overhaul. Lacklustre old trophies have been replaced with shiny new ones and the award listings have been rennovated so they're easier to understand. There's even a preview of the trophy that will be given to the winner of Aithe and Sanura's Halloween Extravaganza Costume Competition!

Miracle on the High Street
by Piper Kin

A few weeks ago, Mahesa Nagra was attacked in Washington Square Park by a mugger who left her for dead. Though an Aide came to the rescue, Mahesa ran off only to turn up at Suka's clinic later. As she fell into a coma, Suka blackmailed her boyfriend Ryou and her best friend Aithe, demanding a poison that can only be acquired by either killing a baby hydra or paying extortionate prices to buy it.

After some time away from his clinic, Suka returned to find Mahesa dying. Either he felt compassion for the first time since the quest to rescue Dazadi or he felt his profit slipping away, but whatever his reasons, he healed her fully - only to threaten her life if he did not receive the poison.

It remains to be seen if Mahesa will escape him or if he'll get his prize, but as far as we know he's still on probation with Xanth after becoming her slave in punishment for the attack on me and many other transgressions. Will the goddess punish him for a threat? Or does he have to do the deed before she'll intervene?

Trick or Treat
by Piper Kin

After weeks of careful planning, it seems the Halloween Extravaganza hosted by Aithe Keahi and Sanura Chandler (not forgetting the gracious Imps who allowed the use of their forest, of course) was a giant success. The party was great fun with plenty of games and dancing, including a girl who decided it would be fun to use the tables as a dance floor.

One partygoer was apparently not enjoying himself enough, however. The Fae Forest was the unfortunate scene of a vampire-turning that has thrown the Elysian community into turmoil once more. With provisions made for we vampires, it begs the question: who really needs to attack anyone? I was unable to interview Aithe but I imagine she's upset that her party was disrupted like this.

Announcing The Anyeli Kurio and Arkiga!
by Chenoan Cirocco

Recently, Xanth decided that it was time for a change in Anyeli government and summoned Kaethe Raesean and Suka Matali to her temple. While there she told them they would be the new faction leaders of the Anyeli's warring sides, the Apalos and the Skotadi. Kaethe would lead the Apalos while Suka, Xanth's newest reluctant minion, would be leading the Skotadi Kurio. But there was a problem, Suka was an Apalos at the time. Xanth quickly remedied this by changing his wing color to black - they seem to have a red shine to them though...

Hydra Attack!
by Chenoan Cirocco

The quest for Hydra Venom has finally come to an epic battle. With Kaida Tanili finding the beast on sheer accident, the questers now fight for their lives to defeat the giant serpent. Arrows, swords, spears, knives and Dragons are all flying about the battle in terrifying array. Who will win?

Weekly Feature

Halloween Extravaganza Costume Competition Top Six!
by Chenoan Cirocco

A little peek at the 6 most liked costumes from the Extravaganza!

~ Sanura Chandler
Kaida Tanili ~
~ Belle Dae
Piper Kin ~
~ Eivyonydd
Niles ~


Friday, 27 October 2006

Volume 1: Issue 4

A man rushed into the doctor's office and shouted, "Doctor! I think I'm shrinking!"

"Hang on a sec," replied the doctor, "you'll just have to be a little patient"
~ Groaners


Not More Changes!
by Piper Kin

If you trot around Elysia today you'll notice a few things have changed. I managed to catch the site's administrator - the girl Xanth forces to do all her work for her - to ask her some questions about these changes.

"Xanth's good at the magic stuff, but when it comes to enforcing her rules, she's, well. She's lazy, isn't she?" At this point I was surprised she hadn't been zapped, or worse, but though she looked a bit nervous she obviously has some means of stopping Xanth from hurting her, because after an hour's interview in which she repeatedly insulted the goddess, she was still alive.

I asked what the changes had to do with enforcing rules and she admitted that Xanth's been having trouble keeping the weaker Elysians safe. "They like to test boundaries, you know. The imps are fed up of chasing idiots out of their forest, so Xanth told me to find a better way. It took a bit of doing, but genius doesn't grow on trees."

It took some doing but I finally got the answers I wanted (between arrogant descriptions of the architect's brilliant ideas) and from what I can tell, portal law now has a system - magic or machine, I'm not quite sure - that prevents people who aren't strong enough from entering level-restricted areas such as the safari. "It's impossible now for them to go there, means Xanth has less work to do, eh?"

She did go on to say that the Fae Forest has been opened temporarily for the up-coming holidays but since there are safety measures in effect there, we don't have to worry about coming under attack from the imps. "Just stay in the designated safety areas, make sure you've got an escort who can save your butt if you get in trouble, and you should be fine."

Party in the Forest
by Chenoan Cirocco

As the fall season comes into full bloom, the popular holiday Halloween has also rolled around. To celebrate this Elysia is having a Halloween bash in the Fae Forest. Hosted by Aithe Keahi and Sanura Chandler, the event seems very popular as many people have shown up in a variety of costumes. One particular business, The Holiday Shop, has benefitted from the season quite a bit. Will you attend?

The Fallen Anyeli
by Chenoan Cirocco

As many of you know, Suka Matali has recently been on a rampage of unwarranted attacks. Alas, Xanth has finally gotten fed up with it. In another display of trickery she has coaxed the Anyeli into giving up his freedom to be her living slave. "Another" you ask? Yes, previously Xanth tricked me into becoming her Aide by threatening my girlfriend, Nymphadora Makani. Can we really trust this self proclaimed deity?

Weekly Feature

Immortality, Do or Don't?
by Kaida Tanili

Many people have thought about this question. It's a question I have run over in my own mind several times. But as a reporter, I thought it would be more interesting you to read what you would choose. So I went around and asked quite a few people this question.

This was the question, and these where the answers: If you were given the opportunity to become immortal, what would you do?

I guess I'm already immortal. =/ And it wasn't a choice I made for myself... I don't know, in a way I like knowing I'll never die - unless someone kills me. Which, actually that's kind of scary. But knowing I can't die from illness, or old age - that I'll stay exactly the same way my whole life - that's kind of comforting.

I don't think about what it would be like to not be immortal, though. Maybe I will in a few years, because... Well my best friend is human, and I... Don't know what will happen with that.

I can't stand to think that we won't grow old together, we always said we would.

I guess yeah, I will regret being a vampire, and I don't know if I'd have made the choice for myself.

~ Piper

Well... I'd have to say I would choose to stay mortal. Because, well, I suppose the bad thing about death is that you lose everything, so immortality seems better. But, in truth, with immortality, you also loose everything. Because eventualy everything you love will die and disappear, leaving you with nothing, in a world full of strangers.

Personally, I couldn't deal with that, I couldn't deal with losing everything, the only way out would be suicide, and frankly I would never be up to that.

Of course, if I had the option to make all my friends, family, even enemies immortal too, I would take it, but just me myself, no, never.

~ Niles

Well my thought is that after death everyone goes to one place, its horrible there is no heaven or -other place- its just one thing but if you travel across the abyss with the creatures permission you may enter into the world of sunlight again and your body will become molecules inside the wind and sea, and I would never become immortal because if I did I would be able to watch my loved ones but if they died I would never be allowed to be with them again. So I would pick to be part of the earth when I die and when they use my molecules to make someone new they would have to make it out of my parents and me, we would be stuck together so tight.

~ Jade

Hell no, I wouldn't choose to be immortal. When you've lived as long as I have, you realise life's about death. Period. Whether it's personal grudges or all-out war that kills thousands, life ends and that's the way it should be.

You live as long as I have, you lose everyone you care about. It's lonely. Immortality is for idiots who don't understand the decision they're making.

~ Dazadi

Immortal? I don't think I'd want to be. It would be so sad if I lived forever, while all my friends were dying around me. I don't think I'd be able to handle it. Plus, I mess up enough of these dresses in one day, I don't know how I could have enough for an eternity! I don't think I'd think about the possibility of being immortal very much. Maybe once in a while, but it really wouldn't have much of an effect on my every day life.

No, no, immortality's not for me. I could see how some people would like it, but I really don't need it. I'm not very into violence anyways, so my life isn't put into danger that much.

~ Criera

I am immortal. I have lived long enough to see civilizations come and go. Life is interesting when you are around long enough to see past your own centre, to see the, ah, the 'bigger picture'. I will not say immortality grants you happiness - that is for you to find alone, and does not require a deathless life.

Immortality can grant you time to learn, to grow, in ways that mortality does not. It is not a decision to be taken lightly, and if you were to have that choice... I would suggest you look extremely closely at the person offering you that choice.

I have often wondered how it would be to live a mortal life, yes.

To be born, to be raised by loving parents, to find love and have a family of your own, and then die with that family around you...

Or even the less satisfying existence of one who never finds that kind of happiness - all the same, their lives mean more because they are limited.

Yet, as limited as a mortal's life is, they affect the world in ways an immortal cannot. So yes, I wonder, but I would never give up my own immortality. I have far too much to do.

~ Xanth

If I were given the opportunity to become immortal, normally, I would pass it up. I've seen my family die. I've surpassed them. It's heart wrenching, and it would be hard to do over and over again.

But now, being with Chenoan, I don't think I could stay with him when I'm so old... and he's so young. It's a subject that... I've not discussed with him. But it's always on my mind. And because of him... and only him, would I ever wish to be immortal.

~ Nymphadora

Immortal, huh? Well that's interesting... On the one hand, it would make me indestructable. I could do whatever I want, and never have to face death. On the other hand, that would take the thrill out of fights. If I know I'm not going to die, what's the fun of it? The adrenaline rush would be gone. So, yeah, I'd have to turn down the immortal life. I think my decision would haunt me, yes. Especially if I'm ever close to death or anything, I'd wish I had chosen immortality. I'd also wonder about the power I could get with it. But overall, it would generally be horrible.

~ Dialto

If I had the chance to become immortal that would be great! I would love to become immortal; it would give me all the time in the world to get all the stuff done that I wanted to get done, and more! I could learn, like, all the professions that exist in the world; and I'd have the time to practice really hard and become really good at whatever I wanted to do! I'd have the chance to live life to the full, and meet tons of new people; I'd get to make millions of friends in my lifetime! And I'd never die... because death is scary, I don't ever want to have to worry about it.

~ Lily

If you were asked this question, what would you choose? Anyone who answered the same as you? Were their answers right in your opinion? It's something to think about. Especially living in Elysia, where opportunities are endless.

Employment Agency

Quest Writer

Elysians are in need of quests, whether it be for excitement and adventure, or the rewards they bring. As a quest writer, you will be working in a team under the Quest Manager. Your job will be to post on the noticeboard with quests ranging from small "wanted" advertisements to full adventures. It will be your job to organise what the quest will need - roleplay areas, non-player appearances, rewards and so on - and clear those things with the Aides beforehand, then recruit potential questers.

Note: This is a big job and will require a lot of time. We would prefer to hire more than one but please do not apply if you cannot guarantee the time.


+ Plan quests
+ Gather the resources necessary to carry out those quests
+ Recruit questers
+ Arrange rewards, whether they be graphic, monetary or items, with the Aides
+ Roleplay non-player appearances
+ Work in conjunction with moderators and other staff members - you may need their help
+ Run one quest per week

This is an out of character job so we will be hiring based on the following factors:

+ Good English
+ Good roleplaying
+ Awareness of Elysian law and rules
+ Ability to work in a team or alone
+ Good imagination


Between $20 and $150 per quest to be paid to whichever character you decide (you will not be able to swap and change throughout your career, however) depending on the size of the quest.

How to Apply

In your application please include the following:

+ Your real name or alias (not your character's name)
+ Apply from the character account you wish the salary to be paid to should you get the job
+ Include ideas for quests (minimum of five ideas - at least one paragraph description for each)

Please PM questions and applications to Eivyonydd, thank you.


Friday, 20 October 2006

Volume 1: Issue 3

A ship carrying blue paint collided with a ship carrying red paint. The crew are believed to be marooned. ~ Groaners


Staff IDs
by Piper Kin

Recently, certain staff members have been asked to carry new ID cards, including the Aides. Though they're only available to Aides and Governors at the moment, they seem to be quite popular and several people have enquired about them. When asked what they were for, the standard reply has been "Staff only" but what are they for? "Makes it easier to tell who does what, then, don't it?" said an anonymous source, but is he right?

A New Quest launches
by Chenoan Cirocco

Daoine Sidheanta, one of the warriors who defeated the Hind so long ago, is now on a quest to get supplies to customize her reward weapons. Joining her are dentist Laurel Boudreaux, smithy Zephyr Cairbre and artisan Elise Theiroe. Rumors have also surfaced that Myrth, yet another of the fighters, will be joining them as well. The three Dragons seem to have a tight bond, despite their color differences, but how does Elise - a human - fit in?

Old Grudges Rekindled?
by Anonymous

Long ago, the Dragon Wyvvern Aithe suffered an unpleasant encounter with Kiril, resulting in a big bad headache and many horrible, unwanted memories. Many weeks later, Aithe was minding her shop when, lo and behold, the demon Kiril entered. Apparently it was his day off. The room heated up - literally - as the resentful dragoness confronted the source of her current troubles. What happens next? Stay tuned to see.

Animal testing inthe Scorpion Desert?
by Chenoan Cirocco

The Scorpion desert's weapon customizer, a girl known only as 'Anya', was recently seen at the 'Pets of DOOM' shop, also in the desert. Anya's face remained hooded so still no one knows her true identity but her upgrades are of the highest quality so for most customers, it doesn't matter who's under the hood.

The case is not the same for the owner of Pets of DOOM. He has revealed his identity many times but for his safety, this writer will not reveal it to the public.

Meetings in the Graveyard
by Chenoan Cirocco

After the Hind was killed, Xanth 'reset' the English town, Derby, so that no one living there would remember what had happened or that a church in the city centre had been destroyed and rebuilt in a single night.

Since then, Derby hasn't seen much action and Elysians have been apparently scared to go there, until recently. Nymphadora Makani and her sister Naava met in the same graveyard where Dazadi was poisoned to stand over the now-Shade's grave. Awkwardness filled the air as Naava looked down at her own grave. Nymphadora was elated to see her departed sister again but their meeting was interrupted by the apparent attack of a white lynx who turned out to be none other than her friend Alieh, a Shapeshifter seen around Derby with Suka.

Suka himself, ever the rake, has also been seen with Kaethe Raesean who also met in the graveyard where Kaethe was mourning her parents. Apparently the pair proceeded from the graveyard to their Sanctuary and the two are rumored to be a new couple, but it's impossible to tell if these rumours are true when Suka seems to 'love' every girl who crosses his path...

Staff Shuffling
by Piper Kin

It seems that in the last week or so Xanth has been shuffling her staff. More and more Elysians have disappeared and though police search for them, there are fears they'll never be seen again. In the meantime, three new Elysians have found positions as Xanth's helpers. Part of the welcoming committee, and responsible for ensuring that Newcomers have part of their setting-up fees, is a relative Newcomer herself. Scarlett came to Elysia in search of her brother Tom, the owner of the pet shop, and after a bit of a rocky start seems to be settling in well. The mysterious Laurel has become New York's top 'spy', ensuring that no Elysian exposes our world to people who aren't meant to know - though how one girl is meant to patrol an entire city, I've no idea! In other areas, Estate Manager Kaethe has become the leader of the new Neighbourhood Watch programme, set up to keep Elysian streets safe and clean.

But is this spate of new jobs likely to continue? Xanth's always said the job openings are endless but it's only recently that one has become available on a weekly basis - and judging by the employment ads later in this issue, it looks like she's right.

Threats from a Goddess?
by Piper Kin

The Chronicles' Headquarters was the scene of a random visit from Xanth earlier this week as the goddess - accompanied by her friend Faroah - demanded we issue a warning to all of Elysia. "I am not a lackey," she hissed, "and I have a perfectly good staff."

Only Editor-in-Chief and Aide, Chenoan Cirocco, seemed unaffected by her presence and after some coaxing, he managed to get the story from her minus the threats. He issues this plea: "Please make sure you approach the right person when enquiring about something. Xanth's patience is... Well, it doesn't exist, to be frank".

Does this mean Elysians should be wary? Is Xanth really angry? Reactions in the office so far have varied, from terrified whimpers to a rather more combative "Who cares?" but I know I'll certainly be more careful about who I ask when I need something.


To Dazadi: Which male Aide do you like best?
There are male Aides?

Do you have a question for Xanth or her Aides, or even one of the Sentients? Send it in to Chenoan and it will feature in the next issue.

Weekly Feature

The Creation of Elysia
by Piper Kin

Once upon a time there was a young woman of only five thousand years who fled her own dimension during a war which made the very ground upon which she walked scream in agony. Bringing with her the powers of her people, she was mistaken for a goddess by the inhabitants of her new home. Though she did not want it, the people looked to her for guidance and strength and as time passed, more and more sought her help.

After a thousand years, despite their constant pleas, the young woman grew bored and began to experiment with the genetic make-up of her followers, curious to see what would happen. Eventually, new species began to emerge from her meddling and they swiftly evolved, gaining more and more powers. Soon, the goddess was inundated with creatures that by their very nature proved to be a threat to the people who had worshipped her for so long.

Since she could not watch over her followers, or her creations, every second of every day, she decided to take the strongest, most powerful and most loyal of them and give them a sip of her blood. These few swiftly became known as her Aides and would swoop in to rescue the helpless, or to punish those who had broken Xanth's laws.

As time passed, Xanth's original followers began to forget about her and the world she had built around them. Her creations began to slink away into the shadows, hunted for their powers or their skins. Some built palaces in the clouds, others went underground, yet more disappeared into the wilderness. Those with intelligence were allowed to find sanctuary where they wished, but those with only animal instincts were chased into areas Xanth and her Aides could control. Humans took back their world.

Eventually, Xanth's creations formed communities and knitted bonds that strengthened them and gave them the confidence to make demands of their goddess. Room to expand, places to hunt and learn more of their powers, safe places to roam without fear of persecution or harm. Xanth soon found herself walking a thin line between protecting the people who had taken her in and worshipped her upon her arrival on Earth, and satisfying those she herself had created. Laden with responsibility, she created pockets of dimensions so that Elysians could wander at will without endangering humans, but all the time her dream was for her two peoples to one day reunite. Time will tell if that dream comes to pass.

Employment Agency

Quest Writer

Elysians are in need of quests, whether it be for excitement and adventure, or the rewards they bring. As a quest writer, you will be working in a team under the Quest Manager. Your job will be to post on the noticeboard with quests ranging from small "wanted" advertisements to full adventures. It will be your job to organise what the quest will need - roleplay areas, non-player appearances, rewards and so on - and clear those things with the Aides beforehand, then recruit potential questers.

Note: This is a big job and will require a lot of time. We would prefer to hire more than one but please do not apply if you cannot guarantee the time.


+ Plan quests
+ Gather the resources necessary to carry out those quests
+ Recruit questers
+ Arrange rewards, whether they be graphic, monetary or items, with the Aides
+ Roleplay non-player appearances
+ Work in conjunction with moderators and other staff members - you may need their help
+ Run one quest per week

This is an out of character job so we will be hiring based on the following factors:

+ Good English
+ Good roleplaying
+ Awareness of Elysian law and rules
+ Ability to work in a team or alone
+ Good imagination


Between $20 and $150 per quest to be paid to whichever character you decide (you will not be able to swap and change throughout your career, however) depending on the size of the quest.

How to Apply

In your application please include the following:

+ Your real name or alias (not your character's name)
+ Apply from the character account you wish the salary to be paid to should you get the job
+ Include ideas for quests (minimum of five ideas - at least one paragraph description for each)

Please PM questions and applications to Eivyonydd, thank you.
