A Christmas gambol oft could cheer
The poor man's heart through half the year. ~ Walter Scott
Sanctuary news to come!
by Chenoan Cirocco
With the newly allowed access for reading of sanctuaries, the Elysian Chronicles staff has plans for doing articles on the ins and outs of these newly opened areas. But we're going to need even more tips than before! To commemmorate these new stories the tip payment for all tips will be DOUBLED for the next month! That means you'll get $10 for just suggesting it and $20 for writing out the full article! Payment will only be given if it's used, but with the amount this high why not simply send it in?
Tips to be sent to Chenoan.
Monthly Awards
by the Aides
Mahesa's Return
by Kaida Tanili
As many of you know the quest for the Hydra Venom finally came to a close. Upon Zephyr Cairbre's request, Kaida Tanili left her dinner at the Cozy Cafe to return to the questers and see what the hold-up was. When she saw the head of the Hydra still laying where it fell, she herself hauled it back to Suka Matali's wing in the Hospital. Upon arriving at the hospital during the course of an investigation, Nymphadora Makani took the syringe given to her by Suka and injected it into the human in an attempt to revive her. Unable to stay, both Kaida and Nymphadora left the wing, one leaving for home, the other to inform Zephyr of the goings-on. Not long after, Mahesa awoke to Ryou's calls, and the two left the wing for her home. Mahesa had seen the note but did the drug given to her wipe out her memory? How long will it be before Zephyr finds out what really happened?
Dazadi's Instability
by Piper Kin
Ever since dumping over five hundred years' worth of her memories into the mind of Suka Matali, Dazadi Dacre has been crazier than ever. Sources in the Cloud Palace have told us that she's holed herself up inside her quarters and won't have anything to do with the Anyeli administration, leaving the faction leaders (the very same Suka Matali and his sworn enemy, Kaethe Raesean) to do her work for her.
Dazadi has only been spotted outside the palace twice since her rescue and both times it seems that she's caused more harm than good. We here at the Chronicles have to wonder if she's fit for duty, and give you a fair warning: If you see Dazadi as you wander Elysia, try not to make her mad. That seems to bring out the beast in her. ^__~
Belle's Turning
by Kaida Tanili
One month ago, in the midst of a full-on Halloween Extravaganza, Belle Daae was assaulted by a rogue vampire. Apparently in his kindness, he decided to turn her, rather than see her dead. Upon hearing the scuffle, Aithe Keahi - the host of the party - along with many others rushed to the humans side. After being flown off by Chenoan Cirocco along with Maximus Mills and Aithe, Belle was taken to the hospital for treatment. The police officer on the scene, Nymphadora Makani, found she was too busy and soon passed the investigation on to Aiden Roy who gladly took over. So far, nothing has come up and no news of Belle's health has surfaced. So the question this reporter is asking, "Do we have a new vampire in Elysia or not?"
Tolerance in Elysia
by Kaida Tanili
Elysia is chock full of different species and creatures. Although all are accepted as "Others", it seems discrimination and stereotypes still live on. One species in particular seems to struggle with this reality. High in the Alps, taking refuge in a small cabin cafe, three Others randomly meet and enjoy a chat. The topic soon leads to Vampire tolerance, and the realization that stereotypes should be ignored, and that Vampires should embrace their species with openness. The two Shapeshifters, Aiden Roy and Sanura Chandler, discuss it in further detail with Vampiress Scarlett. Maybe with this acceptance from Others, Vampires might not be so scarce here in Elysia.
Design a Creature
by Piper Kin
In October, Xanth gave you a chance to design an Elysian beastie purely from scratch. Jade won that competition with the Vlareon, a Grim Reaper-esque creature that my fellow writer, Kaida Tanili, featured in last week's issue.
Now, the Aides are giving you another chance to create a non-player creature, except this time, it doesn't have to be original. So, have a beast you'd like to see around Elysia? A banshee, perhaps, or a celpie? Well, get those entries sent in by the 20th, and who knows? You could earn yourself a trophy and a place in Elysia's history books as the person who discovered the gnomes. ^__~
Weekly Feature
Kaida's Revenge, Part 1
by Kaida Tanili
As I sat there, holding her lifeless body in my arms, my tears fell. They’d taken her coat, her claws. Worst of all, they’d even beheaded her. If I hadn’t seen it all happen with my own two eyes, I never would have known this was my own mother. Her beautiful life had been taken from her. Her family; me; thrown into the cruel world with nothing more than a name. And it was all for money. It was all for luxurious fur, and whatever else they took from her. Those hunters didn’t think twice about who they were hurting. I can’t even imagine the pain she must have been in. If only she’d have shifted. If only she’d shown them that it was a human being they were murdering.
I closed my eyes tight, my body wrenching with sobs as I clutched at my mother's body. My entire front was drenched, dirt and snow as well. I knew what I needed to do. I knew what I should do. But try as I might, I couldn’t tear myself away from her lifeless form. She was my mother. But I hadn’t the strength to lift her. I hadn’t the energy to bury her. I hadn’t the heart to let her go.
Minutes passed, and my sobs soon faded. The cold steel of hatred began to wash over my body. It urged me to get up. Get up; and find who did this. I would find them and show them the same kindness they’d shown my mother. Lifting her paw, I closed my eyes, a final tear rolling down my cheek, and kissed her goodbye. Without a second glance, for fear my heart couldn’t harden any more, I picked up my weapons from the ground and followed the well-distinguished path that the hunters had laid out for me. They didn’t know it but they’d just signed their own death warrants.
Shifting into my polar bear cub form, my weapons still strapped to my back, I set myself at a full-on run. My nose began picking up every stench they'd left for me. I could even smell traces of my mother. Clenching my jaw, I nearly bit off my tongue with the thought of them having my mother's parts. My eyes glazed over with as much hatred as I’ve ever felt before in my life. I felt as if I was walking blind, but every smell, every sound, every sight, was crystal clear. My pace surprisingly increased as my heart thuded from the adrenaline. They were near. I could smell them.
Employment Agency
Assistant Editor
The Chronicles is looking for a new assistant editor to work alongside Chenoan.
+ Oversee the features team
+ Ensure the paper is printed on time
+ Make sure deadlines are adhered to
+ Proofread features and edit where necessary
+ Check links and sources
+ Accept submissions of tips and features
+ Write headline stories
+ Pay salaries for regular staff
+ Pay for submissions from freelancers
This is an out of character job for the most part so we will be hiring based on the following factors:
+ Good English
+ Ability to work in a team or alone
+ Good imagination
+ Time to do all of the above
+ Good knowledge of what's happening around Elysia
$80 per week to be paid by Chenoan.
How to Apply
In your application please include the following:
+ Your real name or alias (not your character's name)
+ Apply from the character account you wish the salary to be paid to should you get the job
+ Please include a portfolio of headline stories (minimum of three, please check the Chronicles archives for an idea of what we're after).
Please PM questions and applications to Chenoan, thank you.
Feature Artist & Journalist
The Chronicles is also looking for new writers and artists for the weekly features section.
+ Submit at least one feature per month
+ Adhere to any deadlines
+ Follow the editors' guidance
+ Check all facts before writing
+ Check links and sources
+ Write at least one headline story per week
+ Good English or Art
+ Ability to proof your own work
+ Good imagination
+ Time to do all of the above
+ Good knowledge of what's happening around Elysia
+ Ability to take constructive criticism
Feature staff are paid $50 per feature submission by Chenoan and $15 per submitted headline story.
How to Apply
In your application please include the following:
Please include a portfolio (minimum of two features, please check the Chronicles archives for an idea of what we're after).
Please PM questions and applications to Chenoan, thank you.