A hungry lion was roaming through the jungle looking for something to eat. He came across two men. One was sitting under a tree and reading a book. The other was typing away on his typewriter. The lion quickly pounced on the man reading the book and devoured him. Even the king of the jungle knows that readers digest and writers cramp. ~ Groaners
Elysia's Hall of Fame
by Piper Kin
October is three days gone and it's that time of the month again. The winner of October's Design a Creature contest has been announced and congratulations must go to Jade for her winning entry about the Vlareon.
Additionally, two members have been given a surprise new award, the member and staff member of the month awards for raising the bar of roleplay and working above and beyond the call of duty. Aithe and Nymphadora should be very happy with their new trophies.
Which brings me to the breaking news that the Hall of Fame (originally the Awards Records) has undergone a complete overhaul. Lacklustre old trophies have been replaced with shiny new ones and the award listings have been rennovated so they're easier to understand. There's even a preview of the trophy that will be given to the winner of Aithe and Sanura's Halloween Extravaganza Costume Competition!
Miracle on the High Street
by Piper Kin
A few weeks ago, Mahesa Nagra was attacked in Washington Square Park by a mugger who left her for dead. Though an Aide came to the rescue, Mahesa ran off only to turn up at Suka's clinic later. As she fell into a coma, Suka blackmailed her boyfriend Ryou and her best friend Aithe, demanding a poison that can only be acquired by either killing a baby hydra or paying extortionate prices to buy it.
After some time away from his clinic, Suka returned to find Mahesa dying. Either he felt compassion for the first time since the quest to rescue Dazadi or he felt his profit slipping away, but whatever his reasons, he healed her fully - only to threaten her life if he did not receive the poison.
It remains to be seen if Mahesa will escape him or if he'll get his prize, but as far as we know he's still on probation with Xanth after becoming her slave in punishment for the attack on me and many other transgressions. Will the goddess punish him for a threat? Or does he have to do the deed before she'll intervene?
Trick or Treat
by Piper Kin
After weeks of careful planning, it seems the Halloween Extravaganza hosted by Aithe Keahi and Sanura Chandler (not forgetting the gracious Imps who allowed the use of their forest, of course) was a giant success. The party was great fun with plenty of games and dancing, including a girl who decided it would be fun to use the tables as a dance floor.
One partygoer was apparently not enjoying himself enough, however. The Fae Forest was the unfortunate scene of a vampire-turning that has thrown the Elysian community into turmoil once more. With provisions made for we vampires, it begs the question: who really needs to attack anyone? I was unable to interview Aithe but I imagine she's upset that her party was disrupted like this.
Announcing The Anyeli Kurio and Arkiga!
by Chenoan Cirocco
Recently, Xanth decided that it was time for a change in Anyeli government and summoned Kaethe Raesean and Suka Matali to her temple. While there she told them they would be the new faction leaders of the Anyeli's warring sides, the Apalos and the Skotadi. Kaethe would lead the Apalos while Suka, Xanth's newest reluctant minion, would be leading the Skotadi Kurio. But there was a problem, Suka was an Apalos at the time. Xanth quickly remedied this by changing his wing color to black - they seem to have a red shine to them though...
Hydra Attack!
by Chenoan Cirocco
The quest for Hydra Venom has finally come to an epic battle. With Kaida Tanili finding the beast on sheer accident, the questers now fight for their lives to defeat the giant serpent. Arrows, swords, spears, knives and Dragons are all flying about the battle in terrifying array. Who will win?
Weekly Feature
Halloween Extravaganza Costume Competition Top Six!
by Chenoan Cirocco
A little peek at the 6 most liked costumes from the Extravaganza!
Kaida Tanili ~
Piper Kin ~
Niles ~