Friday, 27 October 2006

Volume 1: Issue 4

A man rushed into the doctor's office and shouted, "Doctor! I think I'm shrinking!"

"Hang on a sec," replied the doctor, "you'll just have to be a little patient"
~ Groaners


Not More Changes!
by Piper Kin

If you trot around Elysia today you'll notice a few things have changed. I managed to catch the site's administrator - the girl Xanth forces to do all her work for her - to ask her some questions about these changes.

"Xanth's good at the magic stuff, but when it comes to enforcing her rules, she's, well. She's lazy, isn't she?" At this point I was surprised she hadn't been zapped, or worse, but though she looked a bit nervous she obviously has some means of stopping Xanth from hurting her, because after an hour's interview in which she repeatedly insulted the goddess, she was still alive.

I asked what the changes had to do with enforcing rules and she admitted that Xanth's been having trouble keeping the weaker Elysians safe. "They like to test boundaries, you know. The imps are fed up of chasing idiots out of their forest, so Xanth told me to find a better way. It took a bit of doing, but genius doesn't grow on trees."

It took some doing but I finally got the answers I wanted (between arrogant descriptions of the architect's brilliant ideas) and from what I can tell, portal law now has a system - magic or machine, I'm not quite sure - that prevents people who aren't strong enough from entering level-restricted areas such as the safari. "It's impossible now for them to go there, means Xanth has less work to do, eh?"

She did go on to say that the Fae Forest has been opened temporarily for the up-coming holidays but since there are safety measures in effect there, we don't have to worry about coming under attack from the imps. "Just stay in the designated safety areas, make sure you've got an escort who can save your butt if you get in trouble, and you should be fine."

Party in the Forest
by Chenoan Cirocco

As the fall season comes into full bloom, the popular holiday Halloween has also rolled around. To celebrate this Elysia is having a Halloween bash in the Fae Forest. Hosted by Aithe Keahi and Sanura Chandler, the event seems very popular as many people have shown up in a variety of costumes. One particular business, The Holiday Shop, has benefitted from the season quite a bit. Will you attend?

The Fallen Anyeli
by Chenoan Cirocco

As many of you know, Suka Matali has recently been on a rampage of unwarranted attacks. Alas, Xanth has finally gotten fed up with it. In another display of trickery she has coaxed the Anyeli into giving up his freedom to be her living slave. "Another" you ask? Yes, previously Xanth tricked me into becoming her Aide by threatening my girlfriend, Nymphadora Makani. Can we really trust this self proclaimed deity?

Weekly Feature

Immortality, Do or Don't?
by Kaida Tanili

Many people have thought about this question. It's a question I have run over in my own mind several times. But as a reporter, I thought it would be more interesting you to read what you would choose. So I went around and asked quite a few people this question.

This was the question, and these where the answers: If you were given the opportunity to become immortal, what would you do?

I guess I'm already immortal. =/ And it wasn't a choice I made for myself... I don't know, in a way I like knowing I'll never die - unless someone kills me. Which, actually that's kind of scary. But knowing I can't die from illness, or old age - that I'll stay exactly the same way my whole life - that's kind of comforting.

I don't think about what it would be like to not be immortal, though. Maybe I will in a few years, because... Well my best friend is human, and I... Don't know what will happen with that.

I can't stand to think that we won't grow old together, we always said we would.

I guess yeah, I will regret being a vampire, and I don't know if I'd have made the choice for myself.

~ Piper

Well... I'd have to say I would choose to stay mortal. Because, well, I suppose the bad thing about death is that you lose everything, so immortality seems better. But, in truth, with immortality, you also loose everything. Because eventualy everything you love will die and disappear, leaving you with nothing, in a world full of strangers.

Personally, I couldn't deal with that, I couldn't deal with losing everything, the only way out would be suicide, and frankly I would never be up to that.

Of course, if I had the option to make all my friends, family, even enemies immortal too, I would take it, but just me myself, no, never.

~ Niles

Well my thought is that after death everyone goes to one place, its horrible there is no heaven or -other place- its just one thing but if you travel across the abyss with the creatures permission you may enter into the world of sunlight again and your body will become molecules inside the wind and sea, and I would never become immortal because if I did I would be able to watch my loved ones but if they died I would never be allowed to be with them again. So I would pick to be part of the earth when I die and when they use my molecules to make someone new they would have to make it out of my parents and me, we would be stuck together so tight.

~ Jade

Hell no, I wouldn't choose to be immortal. When you've lived as long as I have, you realise life's about death. Period. Whether it's personal grudges or all-out war that kills thousands, life ends and that's the way it should be.

You live as long as I have, you lose everyone you care about. It's lonely. Immortality is for idiots who don't understand the decision they're making.

~ Dazadi

Immortal? I don't think I'd want to be. It would be so sad if I lived forever, while all my friends were dying around me. I don't think I'd be able to handle it. Plus, I mess up enough of these dresses in one day, I don't know how I could have enough for an eternity! I don't think I'd think about the possibility of being immortal very much. Maybe once in a while, but it really wouldn't have much of an effect on my every day life.

No, no, immortality's not for me. I could see how some people would like it, but I really don't need it. I'm not very into violence anyways, so my life isn't put into danger that much.

~ Criera

I am immortal. I have lived long enough to see civilizations come and go. Life is interesting when you are around long enough to see past your own centre, to see the, ah, the 'bigger picture'. I will not say immortality grants you happiness - that is for you to find alone, and does not require a deathless life.

Immortality can grant you time to learn, to grow, in ways that mortality does not. It is not a decision to be taken lightly, and if you were to have that choice... I would suggest you look extremely closely at the person offering you that choice.

I have often wondered how it would be to live a mortal life, yes.

To be born, to be raised by loving parents, to find love and have a family of your own, and then die with that family around you...

Or even the less satisfying existence of one who never finds that kind of happiness - all the same, their lives mean more because they are limited.

Yet, as limited as a mortal's life is, they affect the world in ways an immortal cannot. So yes, I wonder, but I would never give up my own immortality. I have far too much to do.

~ Xanth

If I were given the opportunity to become immortal, normally, I would pass it up. I've seen my family die. I've surpassed them. It's heart wrenching, and it would be hard to do over and over again.

But now, being with Chenoan, I don't think I could stay with him when I'm so old... and he's so young. It's a subject that... I've not discussed with him. But it's always on my mind. And because of him... and only him, would I ever wish to be immortal.

~ Nymphadora

Immortal, huh? Well that's interesting... On the one hand, it would make me indestructable. I could do whatever I want, and never have to face death. On the other hand, that would take the thrill out of fights. If I know I'm not going to die, what's the fun of it? The adrenaline rush would be gone. So, yeah, I'd have to turn down the immortal life. I think my decision would haunt me, yes. Especially if I'm ever close to death or anything, I'd wish I had chosen immortality. I'd also wonder about the power I could get with it. But overall, it would generally be horrible.

~ Dialto

If I had the chance to become immortal that would be great! I would love to become immortal; it would give me all the time in the world to get all the stuff done that I wanted to get done, and more! I could learn, like, all the professions that exist in the world; and I'd have the time to practice really hard and become really good at whatever I wanted to do! I'd have the chance to live life to the full, and meet tons of new people; I'd get to make millions of friends in my lifetime! And I'd never die... because death is scary, I don't ever want to have to worry about it.

~ Lily

If you were asked this question, what would you choose? Anyone who answered the same as you? Were their answers right in your opinion? It's something to think about. Especially living in Elysia, where opportunities are endless.

Employment Agency

Quest Writer

Elysians are in need of quests, whether it be for excitement and adventure, or the rewards they bring. As a quest writer, you will be working in a team under the Quest Manager. Your job will be to post on the noticeboard with quests ranging from small "wanted" advertisements to full adventures. It will be your job to organise what the quest will need - roleplay areas, non-player appearances, rewards and so on - and clear those things with the Aides beforehand, then recruit potential questers.

Note: This is a big job and will require a lot of time. We would prefer to hire more than one but please do not apply if you cannot guarantee the time.


+ Plan quests
+ Gather the resources necessary to carry out those quests
+ Recruit questers
+ Arrange rewards, whether they be graphic, monetary or items, with the Aides
+ Roleplay non-player appearances
+ Work in conjunction with moderators and other staff members - you may need their help
+ Run one quest per week

This is an out of character job so we will be hiring based on the following factors:

+ Good English
+ Good roleplaying
+ Awareness of Elysian law and rules
+ Ability to work in a team or alone
+ Good imagination


Between $20 and $150 per quest to be paid to whichever character you decide (you will not be able to swap and change throughout your career, however) depending on the size of the quest.

How to Apply

In your application please include the following:

+ Your real name or alias (not your character's name)
+ Apply from the character account you wish the salary to be paid to should you get the job
+ Include ideas for quests (minimum of five ideas - at least one paragraph description for each)

Please PM questions and applications to Eivyonydd, thank you.


Friday, 20 October 2006

Volume 1: Issue 3

A ship carrying blue paint collided with a ship carrying red paint. The crew are believed to be marooned. ~ Groaners


Staff IDs
by Piper Kin

Recently, certain staff members have been asked to carry new ID cards, including the Aides. Though they're only available to Aides and Governors at the moment, they seem to be quite popular and several people have enquired about them. When asked what they were for, the standard reply has been "Staff only" but what are they for? "Makes it easier to tell who does what, then, don't it?" said an anonymous source, but is he right?

A New Quest launches
by Chenoan Cirocco

Daoine Sidheanta, one of the warriors who defeated the Hind so long ago, is now on a quest to get supplies to customize her reward weapons. Joining her are dentist Laurel Boudreaux, smithy Zephyr Cairbre and artisan Elise Theiroe. Rumors have also surfaced that Myrth, yet another of the fighters, will be joining them as well. The three Dragons seem to have a tight bond, despite their color differences, but how does Elise - a human - fit in?

Old Grudges Rekindled?
by Anonymous

Long ago, the Dragon Wyvvern Aithe suffered an unpleasant encounter with Kiril, resulting in a big bad headache and many horrible, unwanted memories. Many weeks later, Aithe was minding her shop when, lo and behold, the demon Kiril entered. Apparently it was his day off. The room heated up - literally - as the resentful dragoness confronted the source of her current troubles. What happens next? Stay tuned to see.

Animal testing inthe Scorpion Desert?
by Chenoan Cirocco

The Scorpion desert's weapon customizer, a girl known only as 'Anya', was recently seen at the 'Pets of DOOM' shop, also in the desert. Anya's face remained hooded so still no one knows her true identity but her upgrades are of the highest quality so for most customers, it doesn't matter who's under the hood.

The case is not the same for the owner of Pets of DOOM. He has revealed his identity many times but for his safety, this writer will not reveal it to the public.

Meetings in the Graveyard
by Chenoan Cirocco

After the Hind was killed, Xanth 'reset' the English town, Derby, so that no one living there would remember what had happened or that a church in the city centre had been destroyed and rebuilt in a single night.

Since then, Derby hasn't seen much action and Elysians have been apparently scared to go there, until recently. Nymphadora Makani and her sister Naava met in the same graveyard where Dazadi was poisoned to stand over the now-Shade's grave. Awkwardness filled the air as Naava looked down at her own grave. Nymphadora was elated to see her departed sister again but their meeting was interrupted by the apparent attack of a white lynx who turned out to be none other than her friend Alieh, a Shapeshifter seen around Derby with Suka.

Suka himself, ever the rake, has also been seen with Kaethe Raesean who also met in the graveyard where Kaethe was mourning her parents. Apparently the pair proceeded from the graveyard to their Sanctuary and the two are rumored to be a new couple, but it's impossible to tell if these rumours are true when Suka seems to 'love' every girl who crosses his path...

Staff Shuffling
by Piper Kin

It seems that in the last week or so Xanth has been shuffling her staff. More and more Elysians have disappeared and though police search for them, there are fears they'll never be seen again. In the meantime, three new Elysians have found positions as Xanth's helpers. Part of the welcoming committee, and responsible for ensuring that Newcomers have part of their setting-up fees, is a relative Newcomer herself. Scarlett came to Elysia in search of her brother Tom, the owner of the pet shop, and after a bit of a rocky start seems to be settling in well. The mysterious Laurel has become New York's top 'spy', ensuring that no Elysian exposes our world to people who aren't meant to know - though how one girl is meant to patrol an entire city, I've no idea! In other areas, Estate Manager Kaethe has become the leader of the new Neighbourhood Watch programme, set up to keep Elysian streets safe and clean.

But is this spate of new jobs likely to continue? Xanth's always said the job openings are endless but it's only recently that one has become available on a weekly basis - and judging by the employment ads later in this issue, it looks like she's right.

Threats from a Goddess?
by Piper Kin

The Chronicles' Headquarters was the scene of a random visit from Xanth earlier this week as the goddess - accompanied by her friend Faroah - demanded we issue a warning to all of Elysia. "I am not a lackey," she hissed, "and I have a perfectly good staff."

Only Editor-in-Chief and Aide, Chenoan Cirocco, seemed unaffected by her presence and after some coaxing, he managed to get the story from her minus the threats. He issues this plea: "Please make sure you approach the right person when enquiring about something. Xanth's patience is... Well, it doesn't exist, to be frank".

Does this mean Elysians should be wary? Is Xanth really angry? Reactions in the office so far have varied, from terrified whimpers to a rather more combative "Who cares?" but I know I'll certainly be more careful about who I ask when I need something.


To Dazadi: Which male Aide do you like best?
There are male Aides?

Do you have a question for Xanth or her Aides, or even one of the Sentients? Send it in to Chenoan and it will feature in the next issue.

Weekly Feature

The Creation of Elysia
by Piper Kin

Once upon a time there was a young woman of only five thousand years who fled her own dimension during a war which made the very ground upon which she walked scream in agony. Bringing with her the powers of her people, she was mistaken for a goddess by the inhabitants of her new home. Though she did not want it, the people looked to her for guidance and strength and as time passed, more and more sought her help.

After a thousand years, despite their constant pleas, the young woman grew bored and began to experiment with the genetic make-up of her followers, curious to see what would happen. Eventually, new species began to emerge from her meddling and they swiftly evolved, gaining more and more powers. Soon, the goddess was inundated with creatures that by their very nature proved to be a threat to the people who had worshipped her for so long.

Since she could not watch over her followers, or her creations, every second of every day, she decided to take the strongest, most powerful and most loyal of them and give them a sip of her blood. These few swiftly became known as her Aides and would swoop in to rescue the helpless, or to punish those who had broken Xanth's laws.

As time passed, Xanth's original followers began to forget about her and the world she had built around them. Her creations began to slink away into the shadows, hunted for their powers or their skins. Some built palaces in the clouds, others went underground, yet more disappeared into the wilderness. Those with intelligence were allowed to find sanctuary where they wished, but those with only animal instincts were chased into areas Xanth and her Aides could control. Humans took back their world.

Eventually, Xanth's creations formed communities and knitted bonds that strengthened them and gave them the confidence to make demands of their goddess. Room to expand, places to hunt and learn more of their powers, safe places to roam without fear of persecution or harm. Xanth soon found herself walking a thin line between protecting the people who had taken her in and worshipped her upon her arrival on Earth, and satisfying those she herself had created. Laden with responsibility, she created pockets of dimensions so that Elysians could wander at will without endangering humans, but all the time her dream was for her two peoples to one day reunite. Time will tell if that dream comes to pass.

Employment Agency

Quest Writer

Elysians are in need of quests, whether it be for excitement and adventure, or the rewards they bring. As a quest writer, you will be working in a team under the Quest Manager. Your job will be to post on the noticeboard with quests ranging from small "wanted" advertisements to full adventures. It will be your job to organise what the quest will need - roleplay areas, non-player appearances, rewards and so on - and clear those things with the Aides beforehand, then recruit potential questers.

Note: This is a big job and will require a lot of time. We would prefer to hire more than one but please do not apply if you cannot guarantee the time.


+ Plan quests
+ Gather the resources necessary to carry out those quests
+ Recruit questers
+ Arrange rewards, whether they be graphic, monetary or items, with the Aides
+ Roleplay non-player appearances
+ Work in conjunction with moderators and other staff members - you may need their help
+ Run one quest per week

This is an out of character job so we will be hiring based on the following factors:

+ Good English
+ Good roleplaying
+ Awareness of Elysian law and rules
+ Ability to work in a team or alone
+ Good imagination


Between $20 and $150 per quest to be paid to whichever character you decide (you will not be able to swap and change throughout your career, however) depending on the size of the quest.

How to Apply

In your application please include the following:

+ Your real name or alias (not your character's name)
+ Apply from the character account you wish the salary to be paid to should you get the job
+ Include ideas for quests (minimum of five ideas - at least one paragraph description for each)

Please PM questions and applications to Eivyonydd, thank you.


Friday, 13 October 2006

Volume 1: Issue 2

Elysian Blacksmith: Hoof on over today! ~ Nattie


More awesome features!
by Chenoan Cirocco

The new Xanth's Temple skin has now been released for those who don't like the old ones too much and there's another one being made for the few who still aren't satisfied. Sadly, this means that the original Elysian skin, known as Xanth, will be permanently deleted. At the same time, a new health bar has been released in character profiles! Now if your health changes, you can just pop into your profile and you're done. ^_^

Playboy On The Loose
by Piper Kin

Recently, Suka Matali was a guest of the elusive Xanth when he was mentally injured during the rescue of Dazadi. Between attacks on police and innocent bystanders, it seems he should either be in jail or dead yet he is still free to roam Elysia. The main threat comes not from his weapons, however, but his apparent determination to woo every woman he meets.

Hoshiko Revealed!
by Chenoan Cirocco and Thryn Lee

Recently the identity of the player of the mysterious character Hoshiko was revealed as Kinu! Kinu has three other characters: Ryou, Sanura and Laurel. Unfortunately there is a rule that says there's a maximum of three characters per player. Kinu has suggested either killing Hoshiko or asking her mysterious friend to play the apparent murderess. What will happen? Who knows...?

Mountain Expedition, Snowed Out
by Chenoan Cirocco

Recently local explorer Eivyonydd agreed to take three young Elysians, Jade, Kaeldra and Lyf, on a journey deep into the mountains. Unfortunately, all four questers fall below the level 3 limit, so Dazadi was forced to intervene. Apparently, this quest is more than a simple thrill seeker's adventure, but a fight for life. Jade seems to be wearing some sort of cursed ring. Where'd the ring come from? Apparently a safe deposit box at the Elysian bank...

Gryphon Blade Antics
by Chenoan Cirocco

The Derby museum was robbed a few days ago by none other than aides Dazadi and Chenoan! Apparently the only thing taken was an ancient war sword from medieval times. The sword seems to hold great importance to Chenoan, the newest aide, and the 'shifter hasn't been seen without that sword since recieving it. Is there more to it than meets the eye, or is it simply sentimental? You decide.


To Xanth: Dear Xanth, can you zap Kinu and Fangers so they tell you who Hoshi is?
-zap- There we go.

To Dazadi: Dazadi, what's it like to have so many people fear you?
Incredibly enjoyable.

To Chenoan: What are you going to do to Kaida when you finally catch her?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. That's classified...

To Narama (blue imp dragon): Why on Earth did you torch the oasis?
Ad ees. Ad eeeeees!

To Emma: When are the Aides stepping down as governors?
Haha, I honestly don't know. Because Aides are so highly levelled, the challenges have to be open but it's difficult finding time with everything else that's going on. It takes a few days to prepare everything and roleplay the challenge, and we struggle to get people interested in taking on the job, so it's difficult to know which challenge to do first. They will happen though, don't worry.

Do you have a question for Xanth or her Aides, or even one of the Sentients? Sent it in to Chenoan by Thursday and it will feature in the next issue.

Employment Agency

Freelance Writer/Artist

The paper is constantly looking for freelance submissions of art, stories and articles so if you fancy sending something in, send it by PM to Chenoan and you could earn as much as $15 per entry!

+ Short stories - 500 to 1500 words
+ Art - comics, sketches, portraits, etc.
+ Articles - 500 to 1000 words
+ Series - 1500+ words

For more information please contact Chenoan. Payment is $15 per printed entry. Series payment will be negotiated according to length.


Saturday, 7 October 2006

Volume 1: Issue 1

Every morning smile to your mirror, but why stop there? Smile to your kitchen table, to your living room sofa and to your iron board. Beware, don't smile to your dishwasher it may take it as provocation. ~ E-zine Articles


Elysian Chronicles Gets a New Look!
by Piper Kin

Elysia's most popular newspaper has been rennovated for a cleaner, more professional look. Editor-in-Chief Chenoan Cirocco had this to say: "Xanth wanted something that would look like a professional paper and when she wants something, you don't exactly say no." He went on to note that the paper's archives could be found in the library.

Elysia's New Look
by Chenoan Cirocco

To commemorate the arrival of the new Chronicles, Elysia itself has been given a makeover. There are now three full skins available for use. "It's great," says one player, "I can give each of my characters a different one so I can know which account I'm in!" According to the skin's creator they're to help prevent wrong-account posts, but is there a downside?

Two More Deaths
by Piper Kin

Naava Makani's death several months ago shocked Elysian communities but last night two more killings have created an uproar. Police are looking for the attackers responsible for the murder of twins Aeitius and Attila who were allegedly investigating an attack earlier this week on Mahesa Nagra in Washington Square Park, New York. Police refused to comment but witnesses who discovered the bodies of the twins said there was a full investigation in progress.

This recent spurt of violence has called into question Elysia's preparedness for death but the many messages sent to Xanth have gone unanswered. Rumours abound that the church in Derby will be commandeered for Elysian burials but no one knows if these rumours have any substance.

Crazed Anyeli Strikes Again!
by Chenoan Cirocco

Recently Suka, one of the questers who helped save Dazadi from the Hind, attacked Piper Kin, the vampiress who was turned at Coney Island weeks ago. Witnesses say it has something to do with an event from the quest. Apparently, the one and only Dazadi somehow transferred all of her memories into him, driving him insane.

Since that time, Suka has attacked not only Piper Kin but also Police Officer Zephyr Cairbre in the Anyeli's very own hospital office. When dealing with someone like this who is also a healer, you have to wonder; if he attacks the healthy, can you trust him with the sick?

New Aide in Town
by Piper Kin

For some reason Xanth wants a new Aide and she seems to have chosen the Shapeshifter Alpha, Chenoan Cirocco. The Avian Shapeshifter has been seen with Nymphadora Makani recently. Has their relationship been damaged by Xanth's invitation or is the goddess willing to share?

New Business in the Scorpion Desert
by Thryn Lee

Since the portal to the Scorpion Desert was discovered by Ryana, the Vampire Queen, business has been lax but recently new stalls have appeared along the Maze-line, bringing more and more attention from Elysians world-wide. Is this a new trend that will put the market square out of business, or just a fad? Certainly the laws here are much less strict but are the Storm Riders any easier to deal with than the police?


Every week, Elysians get a chance to ask the Aides any question they like. We cannot guarantee that their answers will be what you're looking for though. XD

To Xanth: What's the writing all over your body say?
It is ancient Tanakheim, detailing my familial history and relationships.

To Dazadi: Where can I get a dagger like yours?
You can't.

To Chenoan: What's it like to be at Xanth's beck and call?
Extemely annoying. For a so called 'goddess' she sure has bad timing...
Humph. *zap*
Ow v_v

To Faroah: What's your favorite color?
Eeh, ana mee ono.

To the Thieves Mob: Why did you kill the twins?
'Cause it was fun!!! Er... I mean... It was an accident?

Do you have a question for Xanth or her Aides, or even one of the Sentients? Send it in to the Chenoan and it will feature in the next issue!

Weekly Feature

The Death of Kade
by Piper Kin

Kade put a finger to his lips as he silently took two throwing stars from the pouch on his belt. Beside him, Dazadi balanced on her toes, crouched low to the ground. Kneeling like this, she could spring forward at a moment's notice.

The guards on the parapet a few feet above them were completely unaware of their presence. All the better to get in and out before anyone knew they were there. Kade threw the stars, one after the other, and a heartbeat later the two guards fell without a cry. One tumbled over the edge of the parapet and Daz leaped forward into the air to catch him before he could make a thud that would alert the others.

Dropping back into a crouch she met Kade's eyes and focused on his gaze as they waited, tense seconds ticking by. He blew her a kiss but Daz rolled her eyes and made a rude gesture. This wasn't the time for his antics or the fluttering in her belly.

Finally sure their attack had not been seen or heard, Kade nodded and as one unit they jumped up. Kade scaled the wall like a spider, his long limbs eating up the distance as his fingers easily found crevices in the rock. Daz flew beside him, her wings carrying her over the citadel wall as she landed in a crouch once more, scanning the parapets while Kade slithered up beside her on his belly.

"There," he said, pointing out the larger tower with a nod of his head. Daz followed his gaze to the arched doorway situated at the top of the tower where only Anyeli - or very skilled and very determined red Dragons - could enter.

She still wasn't sure why the rakish Kade had agreed to come with her on this mission. He'd never bothered before and she'd been on far more dangerous excursions. She scowled as she realised how possessive he'd become lately, and Rafe had warned her what that usually meant. She'd only herself to blame of course. If she hadn't let him seduce her, given him the impression that they were involved in some kind of relationship, then he wouldn't think he had a claim on her and things would still be the same.

"Let's go." She watched him leap off the parapet, following him a heartbeat later to catch the hands he'd flung out. They bobbed in the air for a moment before her wings caught the weight and lifted them up. Sure, Kade could probably scale the tower wall too but he couldn't cross the courtyard without running the risk of being seen, and the faster they got into that tower the better this mission would go. The fact that he'd trusted her to catch him so readily didn't go unnoticed, either.

She dropped him atop one of the stone gargoyles that sandwiched the archway and dropped onto the other, facing him, mirroring his crouched position. They waited again, constantly scanning for trouble. He kept shooting her mischievous glances that she pretended not to see until finally he nodded and reached for the door handle. Daz took wing, her dagger in her hand as she watched him open the door slowly.

The stairway inside wound down so if there were guards, she couldn't see them. Landing silently inside, she waited for Kade to close the door behind them before tiptoeing down the stairs, never getting ahead of her partner by more than two steps. More than once she could have sworn he was brushing her wings but whenever she glanced over her shoulder at him inquisitively he had that innocent look on his face.

They reached a doorway probably halfway down the tower which made her wonder why there was a door up there if there were no rooms to match. Maybe the occupant only liked to go down the stairs, then, and used the door upstairs to avoid having to climb. Didn't make much sense to her, but she was no architect.

She flattened herself against the wall beside the door as Kade did the same opposite her, unsheathing his katana. He usually preferred ranged weapons like his stars but in close quarters like this he could match anyone with a blade. One of those annoying traits he liked to tease her about. That whole seduction thing had started in a sparring match...

She watched his lips move as he mouthed "One... Two..." He twisted the door knob and Daz braced herself. "Three!" He opened the door as silently but quickly as possible and Daz pounced into the room, ready to defend herself and him if there were guards, yet not wanting to wake the occupants if they were asleep. Sleeping targets were always so much easier.

The room was dark save for a trickle of moonlight so she didn't venture any further in as she waited for her eyes to adjust. Kade hovered right at her back, his breath warm on her neck. She realised that if her wings weren't in his way he'd likely be standing flush against her.

Pulling further into the room - partly to scan for enemies and partly to get away from Kade - she shook her head to indicate there were no guards. Finally glancing at the bed, she arched a brow at the heap of blankets suspiciously. Dead centre, a perfect shape, as if someone had planted pillows to hide -

Kade hissed and she pivoted, her eyes widening as she saw the shadows move behind him. He stumbled forward and Daz caught him, falling to her knees under his weight. She moaned as she saw the wicked blade piercing his spine and the blood already flowing eagerly from the wound. His hands were surprisingly strong as he shoved her up and away, back onto her feet, his eyes stark in the darkness. "Go!" he roared, lunging back onto his own feet and taking a wild swing at the shadow. Dazadi's eyes filled with angry tears as the shadow moved away from the wall and she realised exactly what they faced.

"Kade - "

"Enye, go!" he pleaded. Dazadi's heart stopped, not just at the enye but at the tone of his voice. He held no hope that they could defeat this thing. And the way blood was pumping from his wound, she realised he was too badly injured. By the time she got him to a healer - assuming she could get past this creature - he'd be dead already.

With him distracting it... she could escape.

"Kade." Sobbing, she fled.

Employment Agency

Who's Who Updater

Working in conjunction with the bank, you will be responsible for updating our Who's Who list and making sure all characters who are listed there receive $5.


+ Check the thread frequently for new posts (preferably daily but at least every couple of days)
+ Update the master list
+ Pay all listed characters $5 from your own pocket
+ Once a week, contact the bank for reimbursement
+ Edit posts that have been updated so it's easy to keep track


$50 per week to be paid on Saturdays, plus reimbursement of all costs.

Please PM your application to Xanth.

Freelance Writer/Artist

The paper is constantly looking for freelance submissions of art, stories and articles so if you fancy sending something in, send it by PM to Chenoan and you could earn as much as $15 per entry!

+ Short stories - 500 to 1500 words
+ Art - comics, sketches, portraits, etc.
+ Articles - 500 to 1000 words
+ Series - 1500+ words

For more information please contact Chenoan. Payment is $15 per printed entry. Series payment will be negotiated according to length.
