Every morning smile to your mirror, but why stop there? Smile to your kitchen table, to your living room sofa and to your iron board. Beware, don't smile to your dishwasher it may take it as provocation. ~ E-zine Articles
Elysian Chronicles Gets a New Look!
by Piper Kin
Elysia's most popular newspaper has been rennovated for a cleaner, more professional look. Editor-in-Chief Chenoan Cirocco had this to say: "Xanth wanted something that would look like a professional paper and when she wants something, you don't exactly say no." He went on to note that the paper's archives could be found in the library.
Elysia's New Look
by Chenoan Cirocco
To commemorate the arrival of the new Chronicles, Elysia itself has been given a makeover. There are now three full skins available for use. "It's great," says one player, "I can give each of my characters a different one so I can know which account I'm in!" According to the skin's creator they're to help prevent wrong-account posts, but is there a downside?
Two More Deaths
by Piper Kin
Naava Makani's death several months ago shocked Elysian communities but last night two more killings have created an uproar. Police are looking for the attackers responsible for the murder of twins Aeitius and Attila who were allegedly investigating an attack earlier this week on Mahesa Nagra in Washington Square Park, New York. Police refused to comment but witnesses who discovered the bodies of the twins said there was a full investigation in progress.
This recent spurt of violence has called into question Elysia's preparedness for death but the many messages sent to Xanth have gone unanswered. Rumours abound that the church in Derby will be commandeered for Elysian burials but no one knows if these rumours have any substance.
Crazed Anyeli Strikes Again!
by Chenoan Cirocco
Recently Suka, one of the questers who helped save Dazadi from the Hind, attacked Piper Kin, the vampiress who was turned at Coney Island weeks ago. Witnesses say it has something to do with an event from the quest. Apparently, the one and only Dazadi somehow transferred all of her memories into him, driving him insane.
Since that time, Suka has attacked not only Piper Kin but also Police Officer Zephyr Cairbre in the Anyeli's very own hospital office. When dealing with someone like this who is also a healer, you have to wonder; if he attacks the healthy, can you trust him with the sick?
New Aide in Town
by Piper Kin
For some reason Xanth wants a new Aide and she seems to have chosen the Shapeshifter Alpha, Chenoan Cirocco. The Avian Shapeshifter has been seen with Nymphadora Makani recently. Has their relationship been damaged by Xanth's invitation or is the goddess willing to share?
New Business in the Scorpion Desert
by Thryn Lee
Since the portal to the Scorpion Desert was discovered by Ryana, the Vampire Queen, business has been lax but recently new stalls have appeared along the Maze-line, bringing more and more attention from Elysians world-wide. Is this a new trend that will put the market square out of business, or just a fad? Certainly the laws here are much less strict but are the Storm Riders any easier to deal with than the police?
Every week, Elysians get a chance to ask the Aides any question they like. We cannot guarantee that their answers will be what you're looking for though. XD
To Xanth: What's the writing all over your body say?
It is ancient Tanakheim, detailing my familial history and relationships.
To Dazadi: Where can I get a dagger like yours?
You can't.
To Chenoan: What's it like to be at Xanth's beck and call?
Extemely annoying. For a so called 'goddess' she sure has bad timing...
Humph. *zap*
Ow v_v
To Faroah: What's your favorite color?
Eeh, ana mee ono.
To the Thieves Mob: Why did you kill the twins?
'Cause it was fun!!! Er... I mean... It was an accident?
Do you have a question for Xanth or her Aides, or even one of the Sentients? Send it in to the Chenoan and it will feature in the next issue!
Weekly Feature
The Death of Kade
by Piper Kin
Kade put a finger to his lips as he silently took two throwing stars from the pouch on his belt. Beside him, Dazadi balanced on her toes, crouched low to the ground. Kneeling like this, she could spring forward at a moment's notice.
The guards on the parapet a few feet above them were completely unaware of their presence. All the better to get in and out before anyone knew they were there. Kade threw the stars, one after the other, and a heartbeat later the two guards fell without a cry. One tumbled over the edge of the parapet and Daz leaped forward into the air to catch him before he could make a thud that would alert the others.
Dropping back into a crouch she met Kade's eyes and focused on his gaze as they waited, tense seconds ticking by. He blew her a kiss but Daz rolled her eyes and made a rude gesture. This wasn't the time for his antics or the fluttering in her belly.
Finally sure their attack had not been seen or heard, Kade nodded and as one unit they jumped up. Kade scaled the wall like a spider, his long limbs eating up the distance as his fingers easily found crevices in the rock. Daz flew beside him, her wings carrying her over the citadel wall as she landed in a crouch once more, scanning the parapets while Kade slithered up beside her on his belly.
"There," he said, pointing out the larger tower with a nod of his head. Daz followed his gaze to the arched doorway situated at the top of the tower where only Anyeli - or very skilled and very determined red Dragons - could enter.
She still wasn't sure why the rakish Kade had agreed to come with her on this mission. He'd never bothered before and she'd been on far more dangerous excursions. She scowled as she realised how possessive he'd become lately, and Rafe had warned her what that usually meant. She'd only herself to blame of course. If she hadn't let him seduce her, given him the impression that they were involved in some kind of relationship, then he wouldn't think he had a claim on her and things would still be the same.
"Let's go." She watched him leap off the parapet, following him a heartbeat later to catch the hands he'd flung out. They bobbed in the air for a moment before her wings caught the weight and lifted them up. Sure, Kade could probably scale the tower wall too but he couldn't cross the courtyard without running the risk of being seen, and the faster they got into that tower the better this mission would go. The fact that he'd trusted her to catch him so readily didn't go unnoticed, either.
She dropped him atop one of the stone gargoyles that sandwiched the archway and dropped onto the other, facing him, mirroring his crouched position. They waited again, constantly scanning for trouble. He kept shooting her mischievous glances that she pretended not to see until finally he nodded and reached for the door handle. Daz took wing, her dagger in her hand as she watched him open the door slowly.
The stairway inside wound down so if there were guards, she couldn't see them. Landing silently inside, she waited for Kade to close the door behind them before tiptoeing down the stairs, never getting ahead of her partner by more than two steps. More than once she could have sworn he was brushing her wings but whenever she glanced over her shoulder at him inquisitively he had that innocent look on his face.
They reached a doorway probably halfway down the tower which made her wonder why there was a door up there if there were no rooms to match. Maybe the occupant only liked to go down the stairs, then, and used the door upstairs to avoid having to climb. Didn't make much sense to her, but she was no architect.
She flattened herself against the wall beside the door as Kade did the same opposite her, unsheathing his katana. He usually preferred ranged weapons like his stars but in close quarters like this he could match anyone with a blade. One of those annoying traits he liked to tease her about. That whole seduction thing had started in a sparring match...
She watched his lips move as he mouthed "One... Two..." He twisted the door knob and Daz braced herself. "Three!" He opened the door as silently but quickly as possible and Daz pounced into the room, ready to defend herself and him if there were guards, yet not wanting to wake the occupants if they were asleep. Sleeping targets were always so much easier.
The room was dark save for a trickle of moonlight so she didn't venture any further in as she waited for her eyes to adjust. Kade hovered right at her back, his breath warm on her neck. She realised that if her wings weren't in his way he'd likely be standing flush against her.
Pulling further into the room - partly to scan for enemies and partly to get away from Kade - she shook her head to indicate there were no guards. Finally glancing at the bed, she arched a brow at the heap of blankets suspiciously. Dead centre, a perfect shape, as if someone had planted pillows to hide -
Kade hissed and she pivoted, her eyes widening as she saw the shadows move behind him. He stumbled forward and Daz caught him, falling to her knees under his weight. She moaned as she saw the wicked blade piercing his spine and the blood already flowing eagerly from the wound. His hands were surprisingly strong as he shoved her up and away, back onto her feet, his eyes stark in the darkness. "Go!" he roared, lunging back onto his own feet and taking a wild swing at the shadow. Dazadi's eyes filled with angry tears as the shadow moved away from the wall and she realised exactly what they faced.
"Kade - "
"Enye, go!" he pleaded. Dazadi's heart stopped, not just at the enye but at the tone of his voice. He held no hope that they could defeat this thing. And the way blood was pumping from his wound, she realised he was too badly injured. By the time she got him to a healer - assuming she could get past this creature - he'd be dead already.
With him distracting it... she could escape.
"Kade." Sobbing, she fled.
Employment Agency
Who's Who Updater
Working in conjunction with the bank, you will be responsible for updating our Who's Who list and making sure all characters who are listed there receive $5.
+ Check the thread frequently for new posts (preferably daily but at least every couple of days)
+ Update the master list
+ Pay all listed characters $5 from your own pocket
+ Once a week, contact the bank for reimbursement
+ Edit posts that have been updated so it's easy to keep track
$50 per week to be paid on Saturdays, plus reimbursement of all costs.
Please PM your application to Xanth.
Freelance Writer/Artist
The paper is constantly looking for freelance submissions of art, stories and articles so if you fancy sending something in, send it by PM to Chenoan and you could earn as much as $15 per entry!
+ Short stories - 500 to 1500 words
+ Art - comics, sketches, portraits, etc.
+ Articles - 500 to 1000 words
+ Series - 1500+ words
For more information please contact Chenoan. Payment is $15 per printed entry. Series payment will be negotiated according to length.